• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • From an audio perspective, Terraria has great a thunderstorm effect - just something that really stuck as weighty and impactful

    For the whole experience, Project Zomboid isn’t a slouch either as it has the audio/visuak effects down and feels better with the some of its parts together as individually there are parts that feel weaker but as a whole makes the for an engaging experience if one decides to wonder during a thunderstorm

  • I am kind of the subborn idiot that initially struggled with the tutorial, but struggled enough to learn what it was it was trying to teach.

    I remember and know it from failing, leaning and trying different things seeing what works.

    The three starting default characters all have something they are good at and looking at those - all three are meant to get through the tutorial, although Norg is the most straight forward approach.

    As I said before, it is not the best and they could have done a better job, yes.

    It can leave one feeling annoyed that their gun character struggles - sure

    Can it suck knowing you have to put some token effort into a melee skill if you do not want to sneak around or evade the enemies - indeed

    But my point is that, regardless of its poorer presentation, especially when put up against Fallout 1’s tutorial, there is more than one way to do it other than pure brute force.

  • While I agree the tutorial is rough for something meant to teach, it can be done with different playstyles.

    Although having some form of melee combat does make the experience a lot less frustrating and can save a lot on time spent trying to hit the enemies, but I think enemies have like 5 ap or so which one can avoid most of them on an agility build by outspeeding them.

    A determined person could probably get through it without fighting as a challenge I guess as an agility and stealth focus.

    There is a lock pick and explosive tutorial that are mandatory but aren’t too difficult and then there is a trap room which can be a problem if one is low on perception.

    The final challenge can have the guy be talked down with enough speech

    For ease of getting through it, strength or agility with a melee skill will make it a lot easier though.

  • Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.

    It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.

    It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn’t “rush” and plan around each main act quest.

    It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.

    Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - “wait, what is that it?”

    Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretation and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality

    For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well

  • I agree on a lot of points, although it seems I have a more pacifist outlook while you have a more active outlook which if I am honest does more for progress.

    I see freedom of speech - in the general sense - as a means to be able to express yourself and your opinions and I feel that if people could express that without outright spreading a feeling of hatred and rage then I feel pretty much anything goes within reason. As even innocuous well meaning ideas can lead to dangerous outcomes.

    That doesn’t mean people should expect the status quo, but sometimes I look at chimps and their “gang wars” and think we aren’t that much different sometimes.

    For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

    We are primed to respond most strongly with hatred and rage… perhaps some deep primitive instinct and that gets taken advantage of.

    Humans nature seems to be a violent one and if I look at history it is unfortunately violence that seems to be the most effective means to get through our thick human psyche to advance. Ancient Egypt, Alexander’s Legacy, Rome’s rise and fall, The Crusades, French Revolution, British Empire, American Independence, The World Wars.

    We are forever doomed to repeat history it seems until history can no longer repeat

    It is like humanity must experience great suffering and that suffering must reach a tipping point before we as a collective species change

    What the next big tipping point will be that forces a change, if we last that long, I don’t know as well

  • Okay an example if I must provide one

    I feel according to brief look at American constitution in spirit if the Founding Fathers that governement should be neutral in religious matters and people have the freedom of religious choice without being discriminated against while still in the spirit of freedom and comradie not resort some sort of cannibal death cult.

    The people have the freedom of choice, however the government must not be swayed and run by one motivating group or factor in the spirit of the writing how the British wished to exert their power and influence to control the then original 13 states

    I also feel that again in spirit of what they wrote something like abortions shouldn’t be banned unless there was some catastrophic failure rate where government must intervene to prevent people from commiting suicide by doing so.

    I am going to get flak by writing it but I believe that abortion can be made a case when it is ill advised at a certain point or if the if the parents decide that a birth is too dangerous, to be able to abort at a late stage.

    By my limited understanding is that if doctors want to choose not to abort then are then in their right to do so if it is not life threatening. The government should not interfere but instead make it clear that individual practioners are under no obligation to help you if they strongly believe they don’t believe in it and within reasonable circumstance and that those that do wish to go with it should be given the option to instead of shutting them down.

    But ultimately it should be the individuals choice to choose even if it is a bad choice and the unfortunate burden of guilt should be shouldered on an individual. I feel that is the freedom that was intended

  • Tldr:

    I am have let myself be too soft as I have not invoked my freedom of expression and fair conditions and let them bypass responsibility and get away with imposing their way of business.

    End tldr

    You know reading these comments made me look at my Country’s constitution… South Africa

    Makes me think that people in general don’t fully read them, myself included.

    It is interesting because in a way some of the things written here can in practice get someone put in jail because of the stigma of the past - primarily racism

    I was raised in the demographic as white but my mother is, and this the term they use here, coloured ( fair complexion) i am sure an internet search can confirm.

    Also realised that when my last job told me I wouldn’t advance in the work because of the colour of my skin ( and I was too stupid and eager for a job I accepted) they were legally covering their ass as there is provision for it if it is formally accepted. That my rights were ebbed away with fine print ( example, they made me sign something inocculous 3 months into employment and fine out down the line that I missed out on receiving bonus by a month because of the signed document)

    But even through all that and the contracts they made me sign i still had the right to strike or to unionized… of course they make sure that you can’t do that because they prey on that need and suppress your right to diginity

    Really off topic apologies, brain wonders off and puts pieces into play that fell off the bandwagon😂