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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024

  • Oh man, this is a doozy. You aren’t wrong but I’ve got to get some sleep. To explain this is A LOT.

    The thing is the Leahy Law doesn’t put the power directly in the President’s hands. It grants the vetting process to the Secretary of State. Which is a member of the cabinet of the President. Which I don’t know how familiar you are with how the Executive Office works or not. But Secretary of State Antony Blinken is the one who wields the power to deny Israel’s aid.

    There’s Executive Orders (EO) that the President can give but there’s the whole “what if” Blinken quits given an EO and then we have to get the Senate involved which is currently 50-50 on Republicans and Democrats. Which that turns it even more complex and Senators can delay confirmation until after the election or if they’re really bitter, until next year. Which means that everything that requires a Secretary of State would get put on pause.

    I get that everyone thinks the President gets to have the final say, but the President orders people around on EOs, which the various Secretaries can just quit if they don’t want to follow them, and then that kicks everything to the Senate. That’s kind of a built in protection in our system of Government to prevent a President becoming a dictator. If a President wants XYZ done and the Secretary thinks that’s bad, they quit and the Senate becomes involved potentially delaying the President forever.

    There’s way more background on why Blinken has only stopped two aids and also because of classification reasons, not every stopping of aid can be published, unless the President does so since the President has unilateral authority on classification markings (except for anything related to the name of spies and nuclear bomb designs, that is one of the few things that requires both the President and Congress to sign off on, there’s a few other exceptions as well but I won’t go into them).

    But anyways, Blinken is the one who can stop aid. The President could order him, but he could also quit, which means the Senate would get involved, and I can explain why all of that would be messy if you need me to.

    why can’t he veto the military aid

    The President only has veto power on bills that have passed both the House and the Senate. Once something becomes law, the President “has” to carry it out. There’s a ton of background on “Executive Discretion” and any time the President wants to exercise discretion, Congress can sue, which then brings the matter into the other branch, the Judicial. Plenty of States that would sign on, to a Congressional suit (which that’s a requirement for Congress to sue the President, at least one State has to join in).

    So Biden could use Discretion to delay funding, and he’s done that quite a few times, but he can’t just outright NOT pay when the law requires him to do so. That discretion comes from a kind of EO called a “Reviewing Executive Order” and it requires a department to “review” ((insert whatever the topic is)). That’s a delay, but it isn’t a halt. The President has to follow the law as well. So if we have a law that says, “we provide $xxx to Israel’s Iron Dome”, we have to send that money to them at some point.

    A lot of the funds that Israel is getting, is funding they secured before the Gaza invasion. There’s been recent upping of that funding that Congress has passed, but that’s been on things called Continuing Resolutions (CR). Republicans in the House (who are the ones who control what the US Budget is) have been using CRs to get choice things enacted. That’s because Republicans in the House have passed rules on how a budget may be formed in the House that are impossible to comply with (which that’s a whole long story). So if Democrats in the House refuse to accept the CRs the Republicans offer, the Government shuts down.

    Anyways, that’s been a lot already. If you need me to clear anything up, let me know. But Harris likely wouldn’t have Blinken as Secretary of State, which would fix A WHOLE LOT. But I don’t know, because if the election isn’t kind to Democrats in the Senate and Republicans have a majority in the Senate, they could block Harris’ Sec. of State unless they specifically pledged to support Israel. Now they could absolutely lie about that, but then Congress could also impeach them, but that would cut off aid to Israel for some time as that’s not an easy process to impeach a secretary of state.

  • Green party hits 5%, they get federal election funding, we are no longer a 2 party nation

    Bullshit. They have been receiving public funds you numb nuts. You can verify that from the Federal Election Commission. Here is their spreadsheet they provide as summary.

    Please go fuck off with this argument as it is 100% verifiably false. This is literally lies that the Green party has told you. They routinely squander the money they receive because they hire zero talent to actually use funds in a meaningful manner. They have zero ground game, they only focus on top ticket rarely if ever down ticket, and office and PR positions are absolute shit.

    Holy fucking shit have you eaten their lies, whole cake worth of them. I am so sorry you think the current leadership of the Green party is actually honest. Maybe if we were talking the 1980s leadership, but holy fuck, the Green party today has been overtaken by folks who are in it for them and them alone. And they go out and play victim, “Oh this system is not fair!!!” When their own willful incompetence ruined any chance.

    I won’t have this bullshit of victim they play. The Green party can suck a dick, the people running it have successfully ran that fucking boat into the goddamn iceberg at full throttle. Anyone supporting Stein is so fucking clueless at this point, there’s zero redemption. Jill ain’t in this for any kind of morality, she’s in it for money, lights, and attention. The number of people who haven’t caught on to this is absolutely astounding.

    But we are NOT going to pretend that the Green party hasn’t been receiving federal election funds, when that is so effortlessly proven FALSE. If you’ve been giving her money, she using that money to eat well, cause she ain’t spending it on getting elected. And I assure you, she’ll be out and about playing victim when she loses this time too.

    Green party hits 5%, they get federal election funding, we are no longer a 2 party nation

    But BULLSHIT, BULL FUCKING SHIT. BULL ---- SHIT!! That bitch has had millions handed to her and we still a two party system. Do NOT be spouting this bullshit. Don’t be a pawn in her little victim game. She’s a bad person, you do NOT need to be played by her game. You want to fix the two party system? Go to your State assembly, because THAT IS WHERE IT IS FIXED.

    This little path that you explained, you’re being played by dumb motherfuckers who are halfwits at politics.

    but since they decided to disenfranchise me and do everything they can to silence me, my went Green

    No what happened was you lost your backbone and in your moment of weakness you got played by dumber idiots than Trump. The fact you think this two party system is fixed by the President election proves you have zero fucking clues. You know what, you should likely throw your vote away. I don’t think you have anything to contribute to the left or the right. If you just stay 3rd party for the rest of your life, both parties can just write you off. If you vote 3rd party the rest of your life and not fix this at the State level, then you’re no different than a dead voter. That’s what Republicans and Democrats know about third parties, that’s why they don’t sweat them.

    Because this whole “if we only get 5%” argument is a lie they tell you to keep sending them checks. They’ve been getting money, they’ve been getting election dollars, they aren’t hurting for cash. Jill just doesn’t want the job, because if she did, she would be running the party a whole lot like the 1980s and not this current “let’s waste money as fast as we possibly can” mentality she currently has.

    It’s right there in black and white. They’re being handed the tools to succeed down ticket. They just don’t want it and that’s why they don’t go down ballot, that’s why they have zero ground game, that’s why they disappear for four years right after the election. They don’t want to win, they just want your fucking money.

  • If politics is killing innocent people

    It’s not just politics, it’s a rule of law. We have passed in the past under different administrations laws requiring funding to the Israeli state. Only via our legal process can we undo that. Now there are some laws that allow the President to suspend funding that has been legally appropriated, but those only go so far.

    It’s a will of Congress and the understanding that we are a nation of laws, that money keeps funneling towards Israel. But at the same time there are some bending of the laws via creative justification that allows us to setup a floating pier and deliver supplies to the Palestinians.

    And Israel doesn’t want aid being delivered by the United States because at the same time it allows them to begin collecting evidence against Israel’s current abuse of human rights.

    There has to be an understanding that there is a process by which an administration has to follow. It’s dumb we have that process, I won’t deny that, but until Congress gets off it’s collective ass and change that, we have to follow that process. Otherwise, just doing whatever opens the door for folks to do whatever in the opposite direction as well and have zero recourse.

    But killing innocent people is still so bad that I am harmed by it being politically acceptable

    It’s not acceptable but at the same time we can have two takes to it. We either follow our laws or we don’t. Everything that has created this situation, that didn’t happen overnight. The laws that provide unquestionable aid to Israel, those weren’t passed in the last four years. It takes time to undo those things. Now that does provide a means for innocent people to die and you have every right to be disgusted by it. I will absolutely not tell you, that your opinion is incorrect. It’s dumb that we’ve put ourselves into this position.

    But that said, absent any system, this “I no longer care about politics”, the ONLY thing that will do is ensure the complete and effective eradication of these people. The “I no longer care about politics” stance is synonymous with the “I don’t care if these innocent people are wiped from this Earth.”

    This is a difficult conflict and it’s wild that so many people toss their hands into the air and shout “I don’t care anymore!!” the second the conflict actually gets into one of it’s really difficult phases. If this phase of the conflict troubles you, you are not an ally for any means of protecting innocents that you think you are. Protection of people’s lives is dirty ass work, if the messiness of the politics of this troubles you, you wouldn’t be able to save anyone anyway. It may come as a surprise to many here, but humanitarian crisis like this are messy affairs, shit is complex, and nobody ever walks away hands clean. Who knew the world was like this?

  • I just don’t get how people are looking at Harris’ stance as being pro-genocide. Biden is the President and historically, foreign policy during the tenure of the President by the Vice President doesn’t veer too far off from the President. That said, Harris has absolutely called for investigation into the suffering of civilians in the conflict.

    Congress sets the budgetary amount of aid to direct to Israel and the President distributes the money via their diplomatic channels. There are very few options for the President to just suspend funding, which Biden has done twice for weapons under the rules established within 10 USC § 362 (a)(1)

    Of the amounts made available to the Department of Defense, none may be used for any training, equipment, or other assistance for a unit of a foreign security force if the Secretary of Defense has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights.

    But outside that, there’s very little the President can do once Congress approves funding and that funding has been signed into law. This is why an independent channel investigation is required and is exactly what Harris has called for. This would allow the the US Government to establish their own inquiry into the human abuses. This would give the required evidence to cancel funding under Title XII authority. But none of that can happen overnight. It’s not an easy path to override the will of Congress.

    On the opposite side, Trump has indicated that he will absolutely turn a blind eye to the whole thing and allow Israel to determine solely the “best” course of action for their current conflict. Trump has literally stated in his rallies:

    From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel’s hand behind its back, demanding an immediate cease-fire, always demanding cease-fire

    Trump would not see a cease-fire as a required condition for the on-going conflict.

    Harris and Democrats historically have called for a two-state solution. Trump’s plan which has been broadly adopted by the Republican party in general would:

    • Give Palestinians only about 15% of their original territory
    • Jerusalem would become Israel’s undivided capitol, meaning all claims by the Palestinians to the eastern half of the city would be tossed out.
    • Allow Palestinians to “achieve an independent state” via a means that is not clearly defined in the plan but indicated that Israel would have a final say in that process.
    • “No Palestinians or Israelis will be uprooted from their homes” indicating that the territory that Israel has already colonized from their current conflict would become Israel’s.
    • Would put Israel and Jordan on equal footing for the administration of al-Haram al-Sharif, which will absolutely ignite a conflict.
    • Any territory allocated to Palestinians would have to undergo a four year “wait” period, but there’s no protections from Israel obtaining that territory if done so during conflict. So Israel could provoke someone to fight them and that would give them justification to take the land during this “four year wait period”.

    Trump has all but given up completely on a two-state solution. Which means, he’s for a one state solution. And people are fooling themselves if they believe that Trump would seek a “peaceful” one state solution. He has told Netanyahu directly, “Just get it done quickly”. Now we can play a game as what manner is used to “get it done quickly” means, but only idiots are the one’s thinking that doesn’t give a tacit nod to ethic cleansing.

    I just have no idea what these people who think Harris is a bad idea for Palestinians are actually thinking. And really, I don’t think they are thinking at all. You have one solution that is long, stupid, and required because we are a nation of laws. And you have the other solution that is “fuck it, firebomb them all and call it done”. It is difficult to imagine that there are truly people this blind and ignorant to this reality. But yet, here we are.

    The notion that we might get a 3rd party into office like twenty years from now if we start today, helps nobody if the people we’re trying to help are all eradicated over the next four years. Going down this “third road” only ensures an outcome where we are fifteen years too late to help.

  • But even in the liturgical sense of benevolence, schism is a thing, and often enough that we literally made the word schism for that and everyone else just adopted it to means a break of different ideas that used to be one.

    So even those of the same religion have over time turned on each other. There’s just been no successful consolidation of organized power under a single person or dictum that stayed free of eventually violence to it’s own members. Power always thirsts more power. That’s been all of history.

  • calls for a “benevolent dictator” to run the US

    These chucklefucks keep getting this part so wrong. No dictator stays benevolent for long. We’ve got something like 60 centuries of history to back that up. Eventually they demand unwavering fealty to their, and only theirs alone, lineage.

    I feel like sometimes dressing up as Gandalf and smacking these idiots over their head and reminding them “only one who can bend them to his will. And he does not share power!”

    Like for fucks sake this is such an ingrained human trait we’re making fucking fictional stories based off it and needing zero additional information on why anyone would desire such a monopoly on power.

    I swear the lot of these people have their heads firmly planted deep into their lower digestive tract.

  • When I get back to Washington that’s the first thing, we’re gonna — we need a reorganization of FEMA.

    We JUST HAD ONE!! That was the Homeland Security Act of 2002.

    And then they’ll tell you, ‘Oh, we didn’t send that money to the illegals.’ The hell they didn’t

    That has been authorized by Congress the last three appropriations bills. More importantly, that money is for Customs and Border Patrol which for some odd reason, FEMA cuts the checks when it comes to SSP expenditures, why is that? Oh because that’s just how the Homeland Security Act of 2002 works.

    So the interesting thing here is that Congress writes a confusing method for how accounting works within a department and is then shocked that the manner by how funds get paid is so confusing. Who could have possible seen this coming? I guess 9/11 kind of clouded our ability to have foresight.


    At any rate. The whole FEMA writes checks that CBP will cash has been weird ever since 2002, that you all finally have come around to “Oh gosh they’re spending this on illegals” is just y’all’s take on the oddity. But strange that “Oh gosh that’s odd” doesn’t seem to hit when FEMA is writing checks for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that was going on in 2017 to 2019. Nor when DHS Secretary requested Disaster Relief Funds for ICE to deport illegal immigrants, remember that one?

    The thing is, FEMA being this bank account for various other agencies in the Department of Homeland Security only seems weird when it’s distinctly shit y’all don’t agree with. And let me be clear. I get it, we DO NEED to reorganize FEMA. I’m not debating that. But FEMA should not be a agency of DHS since twenty-two years ago, because this is the shit that happens when you mix agencies like this together.

    And this is the thing, Congress knew that this kind of weird shit would happen when they originally placed FEMA into DHS, that was the entire fucking point. Y’all wanted to intermix disaster relief with border protection and all the various bullshit that’s involved with the latter because then when you needed funding you could all gasp and go “WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO FUND RECOVERY FROM DISASTERS!!” And this guy hasn’t shied away from that argument, he’s just using the other side of the coin argument for this instance.

    You all have created these weird interactions because it gives you cover when you need it, and a scapegoat when you want it. Burchett can continue to be a useless sack of shit that collects a paycheck and does nothing, just like DesJarlais. These fuckers go to DC, yell at a camera, collect their paycheck, and go home and in, DesJarlais’ case, I guess to go impregnate some aide.

    Tennessee second, fourth, fifth, and sixth district are fucking useless bastards that if they went into a bathroom in Congress and jerked off would be more than they usually do in a typical day. Anything they have to say should be treated with about the same dignity one gives bird shit on their vehicle’s windshield. I mean the others aren’t that great, but at least they have demonstrated some small ability to reason. Those four are a fucking lost cause.

  • Yes. The low ball estimates for just hurricane Helene is 100% FEMA’s annual funding for the next eleven years. That’s how destructive these disasters are.

    We’re still paying for the 2013 Colorado flooding, the 2017 California wildfire, and 2022 Hurricane Ian, just to name a few.

    People are completely missing how much climate change is truly costing us. Helene will be something we’re paying for easily for the next twenty years if not longer. $20B is not a lot of cash when compared to these events, not by a long shot.