Why would you crowdfund a propaganda machine?
Why would you crowdfund a propaganda machine?
Socialise the housing market and make sure every person has a roof over their head. It’s the only proven solution to homelessness.
Do you have coworkers with the same complaints and risks? I understand that it’s risky but I also don’t think there’s an alternative option as all companies eventually will use the same exploitative practices.
To improve your work conditions you have to demand it for yourself. As long as workers allow it to happen, their bosses will do everything to increase profits on the expense of the workers. Unionising your workplace is the only secure way to gain back your power.
Live fire drills not unique, I don’t see how that says anything about the Chinese government
Join the union and find out. Most unions are still following the old ineffective strategy of advocacy instead of organising. But they are usually somewhat democratic so you do have a say in that.
Jane McAlevey No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the New Gilded Age is a great book to learn about unions and union strategy
A strike takes a lot of preparation, most of which is unionising and convincing your coworkers to join the strike when it’s time. A strike at a workplace is only successful if 75% of workers join in on it. Some US unions are ready for it, but a lot aren’t. If you want to contribute, join a union or start unionising. Resistance is built from the bottom up and strong unions are the most effective method.
Read Jane McAlevey No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the New Gilded Age to learn about how to make a successful union and how powerful a successful union can be.
Paid services profit if they reach a broader audience so they pay people to post on forums and other social media about their services.
Anyone with any sort of means of influence has a way to profit off of the situation. Resistance needs to happen from the bottom up.
I definitely would not want the majority of the world to read the kind of propaganda that says genocide is ok, would you?