
  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • I ran into an issue where I changed nothing, and all of a sudden none of my SSL certs worked on top of most of the hosts were not working through the reverse proxy. I had not even changed ip addresses on any of them. I am not sure what was going on.

    It was more of a “I didn’t want to troubleshoot” and gave up, so I shut down my servers.

  • I appreciate that mentality though. When things break, if your understanding of your setup is there, it’s less to deal with.

    I am forgoing the Portainer route this time. I am going to strictly use Docker Compose for my containers. I had too many issues with Portainer to consider using it.

    For reverse proxy, I just need/want it for simple ip:port to sub.domain.lan type addresses locally. Anything I need outside of my home will be tunneled through wireguard.

    I always quite liked Dozzle. It was handy, and has helped me comb through logs in the past.

  • I actually suggest getting Ventoy which is a fantastic utility that allows you to copy bootable images to a folder, and when you boot the drive you can select from the ISO/Images available on the drive. Super handy!

    The Live USB may not solve all HW issues, but it’s a good jumping off point.

    I can’t blame anyone not going the pure arch route, and choosing an Arch based distro. Besides getting my GPU working as I wanted it, running and maintaining my Arch install is no work at all at this point. With Timeshift installed, as well as the grub hook, and pacman hook, it makes it a cake to revert if something breaks.

    The other advice I have for Linux is an often overlooked. When switching to Linux you can’t always approach fixing a problem or operating the machine the exact same ways one would on Windows. So being flexible, and learning to change habits helps.

  • Besides the usual back up your files advice, I have a few recommendations.

    These recommendations are not in any particular order but:

    • Consider all of the applications you use on Windows, and research alternatives for those applications. Or if there isn’t a replacement for it, investigate how to get the application you need working in Linux. For instance, I use a lot of audio production software and learned that there are a few that just do not work reliably or at all within Linux.

    • Depending on your needs be sure to research (or better yet, try) different Desktop Environments. (Note: for trying different environments I would recommend finding a distro that has a Live USB option and run those live to test them out)

    • As I mentioned in the above suggestion, try different distros you are considering using with a Live USB. This can help snuff out different hardware that you have that may or may not work on your system before committing.

    • Before choosing which OS you want to go with, consider the key beliefs of how to maintain an OS. For instance, there are many people that will blindly recommend a distro without knowing why one would use it. There are bleeding edge rolling release type distros such as Arch. I use Arch BTW, but I would not blindly tell someone who just wants a stable experience with little to no tinkering needed.

    Most of my suggestions come down to please do your research, and make an educated decision on what you want to jump into. And I like to think that there are plenty of communities that can be friendly and welcoming that would help!

  • Avoid any machine with an Nvidia graphics card for Linux. It’s more hassle than it’s worth. Source: my experience.

    However, I have good luck with most laptops that have Intel integrated graphics. Specifically Lenovo machines. I am not exactly sure what budget you have, but you can get a second hand Lenovo machine that would work quite well.

    If you don’t care about it being fully open source/libre, then from my experience you likely won’t have much issue with Wifi either.

    As far as what you are wanting to use it for, you could get away with something fairly low powered. Depending on your preferences, I would suggest a number of distros for that purpose:

    Fedora, it’s been a good distro in my experience. They offer different spins of it with different desktop environments. I personally love KDE, but you could go with Gnome too.

    As far as hardware goes, if you are unsure about a machine being usable with linux, I would check here: https://linux-hardware.org/

    Hope this helps!