• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I just want you to know you weren’t screaming into the void. Look at my new main.py:

    from pathlib import PurePath
    from Layout import Layout
    DEFAULT_FOLDER = PurePath("/home", "mike", "bg")
    WATERMARK_DIR = Path(Path(os.getcwd()).parent, "assets", "img")
    def main() -> Layout:
        return Layout()
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    (I know I still need to change those folder defaults, but I am still riding the high of getting all that layout stuff into Layout.py and it working. I spent a couple hours today struggling, wondering why I was just getting a blank screen, when i realized i forgot to call .grid() on the frame that held all the widgets! So it was just rendering a blank window. )

  • this response is based on the few paragraphs available to non medium members

    The second paragraph mirrors my experience with coding to a tee. I may have forgotten to turn off the oven while i was absorbed in Pycharm at least once, and ive certainly given a triumphany “fuck yea” with a raised fist worthy of a freeze frame ending to an '80s film upon succesfully accomplishing a task.

    During a recent difficult time in my life, learning to code was the only activity i found that gave me substantial relief from the stress.