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Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Even in the event that the article is talking about, he at least had some logic behind it

    When Walz was elected a few months later, he did try to halt the pipeline’s development. Early in his first term, Walz continued a legal challenge from his predecessor’s administration against Line 3, which he continued until 2020.

    But after that legal challenge was rejected, Walz declined to use his executive powers to stop the pipeline, and his administration approved key construction permits that allowed the pipeline to move forward. He told MinnPost in 2019 that he believed a unilateral decision “would violate principles of ‘checks and balances’ between the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.”

    “If you fall on the side that says, ‘Well, the governor should just stop this; it’s the right thing to do,’ then you would be making the case that the next governor should just build one, without any environmental review, without any process involved,” Walz said at the time

    Which I don’t 100% agree with but at least see where he’s coming from.

  • You’re not incorrect for not wanting to be part of this country, but you are incorrect thinking that a violent overthrowing of a democratic process in this country is not against the freedoms of our citizens, the democracy the military swore to protect, or the very basis of our laws, the constitution.

    I’m sure some of the military do hold far right fascist ideals and may be sympathetic to any seditious movement or even want to join them. But they would be extremists for starting a civil war, and they would not be the majority.

    Also the military would not be attacking fellow Americans. The former Americans would be trying to overthrow the democratically elected government, and the military would be protecting American citizens. When you declare civil war against the United States, you are no longer a citizens and don’t have the same rights as a citizen. You are then an enemy of the United States, and by extension, our military.

  • What? You’re the one who suggested the military is Republican and wouldn’t fight fellow Republicans starting an uprising. And this is in response to a comment by the GOP senator calling for civil war.

    I’m not making any assumptions, I posted a link to a poll showing the military is politically diverse, and I said they are generally pretty strict in following their beliefs in freedom, democracy, and the constitution. I’m really not sure what you’re trying to imply.

  • Your own source disagrees with your black and white oversimplification

    But what seem like contradictions may reflect a balancing act. Harris’s parents worked on civil rights causes, and she came from a background well aware of the excesses of the criminal justice system — but in office, she played the role of a prosecutor and California’s lawyer. She started in an era when “tough on crime” politics were popular across party lines — but she rose to national prominence as criminal justice reform started to take off nationally. She had an eye on higher political office as support for criminal justice reform became de rigueur for Democrats — but she still had to work as California’s top law enforcement official. Her race and gender likely made this balancing act even tougher. In the US, studies have found that more than 90 percent of elected prosecutors are white and more than 80 percent are male. As a Black and Indian American woman, Harris stood out — inviting scrutiny and skepticism, especially by people who may hold racist stereotypes about how Black people view law enforcement or sexist views about whether women are “tough” enough for the job.

    She’s not two faced, she’s trying to make positive changes in a political climate that is biased against her. That’s far more nuanced than you claim. And far less two faced than her opponent.

  • Y’all gotta start thinking strategy instead of getting all emotional.

    Humans are surprisingly easy to manipulate. If you come across a centrist, that’s a perfect candidate to hit em with communist propaganda and get them thinking critically about how Republican bullshit is bullshit.

    The blame and shame strategy doesn’t work cuz it’s just reactionary.

    It’s a little more effort dragging the centrists to the left, but we can do it with a bit of kindness and understanding. Unless they prove to be unwaveringly intolerant, in which case blame and shame into oblivion.

    (I say this from experience. I have been pushed from right leaning as a teen, to pretty far left from first seeing how shitty Republicans are, and then from kind internet strangers explaining different leftist ideologies to me)

  • Obviously the most “hardcore superlibs” don’t like Biden, he appeals to moderates.

    Everyone saying “the DNC needs to do this, or do that” is making the mistake of thinking that the average politically minded citizen makes the difference in the election. The popular vote doesn’t get you the election, and the average citizen only cares about politics when it personally affects them.

    So the strategy that they are going with is “don’t rock the boat” with the average citizen that knows Biden’s name, and also with the elites with money and power who don’t want a more progressive candidate. And they’re desperately hoping all the hardcore libs vote blue no matter who, including Biden.

  • Israel actions do support that. What else would happen if Israel completely erased Palestine in a few months? Do you think a single government would support them? The US would break ties overnight .

    Genocide doesn’t mean instant or even quick eradication. It can by systematic and slow. Calculated, walking a fine line so they can call it something else. It can even be eugenics, stopping future generations.

    There are people in Israel who want to iradicate Palestine, and are very open about it. Some Israeli gov officials are saying similar things. Anyone in the government with half a brain isn’t going to openly state they want to bomb a country out of existence. But we can look at the evidence and see that thie goal is to take that land for themselves and drive out the native population.

  • Wait wait wait… She wants a tattoo, says “my body, my choice” (clearly referencing abortion rights) and he says “No, tattoos are permanent” … You mean LIKE A BABY??? They must be pro abortion then right?? Because an underage kid can’t do permanent things like have a baby unless their parents sign off on it according to this shit I mean skit.

    Also 16-18 yrs old is when you make ALL the life altering decisions, like learning to drive, picking what college to go to, what career to pursue. I couldn’t have a single conversation with an adult at that age without them asking what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

    Anyways, I could go on but I’m preaching to the choir. This would definitely give the biggest hate boner to their right wing bigoted audience who wouldn’t know what hypocrisy is if it contradicted itself in their face.