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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • In my experience when showcasing at the end of a sprint it pays to leave the visuals very unpolished and focus on functionality. Even if it’s trivial to use a UI library or other standard components. I deliberately make it look basic to help management / uses accept “it’s working but needs polishing”. That polish might then be me spending 10% of time on neatening UI, and 90% of time refactoring / fixing tech debt.

  • The “implied perverse thrill” seems a bit of projection on your part

    You can read the critical reception of the film yourself here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saw_(film)#Critical_response

    A sample of adjectives: “nasty”, “nihilistic”, “mean”, “insinuatingly creepy”, “derivative”, “loathsome”, and, yes, “perverse”

    “visually appealing/stimulating images that have no context and at best provide a simulacrum of interest in the object or activity”

    what a silly self serving definition. “porn” has a particular meaning which you can look up in the OED, Cambridge, Websters etc. Definition 3 is how it was used - with negtive connotation - for “torture porn” and (the example in MW) “the pornography of violence”.

    The extension of that to mudane everyday things (food, cars, guitars) and especially when the material shared typically falls well short of “sensational” is just a lazy habit that reddit picked up (and other online spaces too) that I, and clearly others in this thread, think Lemmy wouldbe better without. etto…

  • I have worked for financial institutions that have variations of the last one. If I saw it I wouldn’t even blink. Semi realistic reasons might be:

    Status attribute - because the project is using the base library of [project whatever] which was the brain child of eNtErPrIsE aRcHiTeCt whose hands on skills are useless and the off-shore dev team who assigned [random newbie] because that’s who was available at the time. They used a status attribute because they didn’t know how to get the status of the http response. No-one with budget control is interested in hearing about technical debt at the moment. Everyone has to use it now else the poorly written test classes fail.

    Message code: because “we need codes that won’t ever change even if the message does”. Bonus points if this is, in fact, never used as intended and changes more frequently than…

    Message: “because we still need to put something human readable in the log”. Bonus points x2 if this is localised to the location of the server rather than the locale of the request. Bonus x3 if this is what subsequent business logic is built on leading to obscure errors when the service is moved from AWS East Virginia to AWS London (requests to London returning “colour” instead of “color” break [pick any service you never thought would get broken by this]).

    I have seen it all etc

  • Our propensity to depression is a feature of the human mind, it’s not an inevitable consequence of facts and deduction. Our ‘hardware’ was trained in an environment where mystery abounded, where our ‘clan’ was our universe and where we were immersed in social interaction daily. We are depressed to the degree that modern advances separate us from that, where we thrived. But computers don’t have any of that. Computers won’t, by default, have an amigdala which is the seat of so much emotional regulation that humans find difficult. We are literally old hardware.

  • You’re right, I wouldn’t. But you must realise trolley dilemmas are shit for exactly this reason. It exposes the fact that, at the end of the day, yes, we will prioritise our own children over someone else’s. What people don’t seem to acknowledge is that this is the choice presented to Israel. People act like the choice is “kill children or don’t kill children” as if it’s that black and white and crude. When it’s really “kill Hamas now with collateral damage or wait for the next time they deliberately target women, children, babies”. They’re the actual two tracks to choose between. I don’t blame Israel for killing Hamas wherever they find them and not accepting their cowardly attempt to use their relatives as shields.