I found the trick to cornbread is to use lard or rendered bacon fat, and raise the temperature the stated recipe by 10⁰ and cut back on the time. It requires watching a little bit more but when the top is starting to brown and the sides are brown, take it out. Raising the temp, makes the outside crunchy and inside for moist and almost custard like
It’s been going on since the founding fathers signed the eclaration eclaration of independence. They were all landowners and some even had slaves. The Constitution was written not for equality or the redistribution of wealth but for the rich, landowners to keep it and keep everyone else away from it.
It’s become more obvious now as wealth has grown so incremently with the top 3% having more than some countries and are now at the point of untouchable, able to control so much of what’s happening should be no surprise.
Europe did it when first colonialized the New World, claiming Manifest Destiny taking land, wiping out civilizations of people all under the name of god.
It’s generational with the belief to not trust the government. They’re trying to take it from you.
While one side tells you they’re trying to take it from you, the other side is telling you, they’re trying to take it from you.
The problem is, they are.