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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • And as always, it’s more complicated than the headline. Governments and oil companies are suing over this because EPA has instituted new rules that will require many oil companies to use calculation methods that will vastly over estimate their emissions, even though there is legitimate proof that their -actual- real-world emissions are lower than the emissions factors that have been written into law.

    There is a fee associated with these emissions estimations, and it will be in the millions for many companies, while their actual emissions, should they have been allowed to base their estimate on real-world data, could have resulted in no fees at all.

    The emissions factors were poorly designed because EPA has tried to push this through in record time in case the next administration aims to shut it down entirely. Had the regs been implemented better, it could have been really great–but our discontinuity of government is not great in every way, and this is just the latest example.

  • I’m in the US and I have a professional career. I’ve had many jobs where I’d travel around the US for short trips, or just have to work in the mountains for weeks on end, followed by trips back home via. plane or by car.

    Carting a desktop and monitor around is impractical, and asking for trouble, and certainly wouldn’t fit in the carry-on luggage shelf or under an airplane seat. Additionally, gaming laptops generally have way nicer screens for watching Netflix or YouTube or whatever. I have a 17 inch Omen with a 1070 from like six+ years ago and it’s spent most of its life just being a way to use Excel, watch my favorite shows, and more recently, finally do some gaming.

    Now that I’m more settled at home, I’m probably just going to buy a new gaming laptop because they’re so much more flexible than a desktop, and who cares about the most modern, graphically intense games nowadays. There are a few exceptions, but I could stay occupied forever playing games from five years ago, or whatever interesting indie release is coming out tomorrow.

  • Yeah, for sure. I used to think they just both sucked, and maybe they still do, but there’s no excuse for the level to which Israel has gone. And now I question whether Palestine was acting in some sort of “self defense” all along.

    I think back to other revolutions and such, and although they aren’t 1-1 comparisons, I wonder… I bet the people of England thought the Americans were absolute terrorists during the revolutionary war.

    Anyways. Not an expert… just been trying to make sense of the happenings.

  • I’m from Oklahoma, and although it is an unfortunate place socially and politically, it’s pretty decent geographically and geologically. It is very flat around most of the state which is kind of boring, but it has some pretty great landscapes when you go looking for them. The biomes range from pine forest and rolling hills in the southeast, to prairie flatland/grasslands across the center of the state, to almost desert highlands in the northwest.

    There are “mountains”, but they’re so old that they’ve been eroded basically flat, down to their granite cores–one of the contributing factors to Oklahoma’ flatness, no doubt (not to mention it used to be under the sea, which is where our petroleum comes from). There are a few mesas and butes to the northwest, which stand out among the desert high plains, composed largely of red clay dirt and vibrant, sparkling gypsum/selenite/quartz cap rock.

    Check out the “Glass Mountains”. The thick layer of mineral deposit atop the these mesa structures would have been deposited during a great epoch of evaporation, increasing the concentration of minerals in the inland sea so greatly that they had no choice but to fall oit of solution–pretty wild.

    There’s also some sand dunes, but the ones in Colorado are way cooler.


  • Truth isn’t determined by popular vote. Just because nobody likes it, doesn’t mean it isn’t true or that it isn’t valid. They may also be downvoting because they don’t like my tone, and not because I’m wrong. Besides, this is all just stupid infighting–OP’s tonedeafness is shared by a broad group of left-leaning people and is splayed across the news media.

    When it comes to convincing right-leaning people, their sentiment is doing legitimate harm to our movement. And at the end of the day, if people refuse to acknowledge my message because of my tone, they’re the ones suffering. Conservatives really experience no downside by ignoring us, because they are happy to be classless, bigoted fools. So basically: suck it up and accept it, or continue to be ignored. Whatever.

  • This happens every time I throw out an opinion that’s even slightly controversial on Lemmy. Eventually, people realize they’re wrong and they can’t give me an actual counter point. So they resort to basically what’s happening now, which is derailing the conversation by refusing to elaborate when I ask in good faith what they mean. This time, it’s some apparent irony that they won’t explain, probably because it doesn’t even exist. Maybe the person doesn’t respond because they are afraid I’ll just dismantle their point again.

    I mean, I can go back and reread all of messages from the mass of dissenters and try to to rationalize whatever “irony” it is they’re talking about, but irony is subjective. And now were left with this permanent internet monument where nobody was able to actually throw out any counter arguments with real substance to them. So I guess I win?

  • Also, who are the people that they think are “pushing gender reassignment” on children? I’ve never seen it, but I would guess that would fall under child abuse if it were indeed happening. Child abuse is already illegal, so what’s going on these last couple years? Wouldn’t the team of doctors and presumably at least one psychologist visit catch on to something funny happening after meeting with someone who is being forced into a gender change?

    They absolutely would, and the whole forced transgender thing is “fake news” as they call it. I’d guess maybe it happened once, and the Conservatives latched on to it as the next hot topic to piss their cult off with. And here we are.

    People deserve the right to live their lives as they feel appropriate, and doubly so when it’s not hurting anybody else. Wish they’d just leave my transgender homies alone.