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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What happened to the other person?

    I’ve noticed that this happens a lot. It’s “what poll?” “this poll” and then all of a sudden some other person jumps in with a new line of questioning.

    I have no clue. That’s kind of a fundamental part of this format of social media. Multiple people can converse with different viewpoints.

    I absolutely refuse to accept the logic that it would have been better to have a month of infighting about who the candidate should be, as opposed to unifying behind a single strong candidate who was leading in the polls. Who would you rather have had?

    I don’t think it would’ve been good either. Like I said:

    I personally have no issue with Harris as the nominee, the process that got her there, and she has my vote.

    I would’ve preferred this whole mess have been avoided so there could have been actual primary during the normal primary timeframe. Maybe Harris would’ve came out on top, maybe not. Without any campaigning I’m not going to take any of the “literally anyone besides who is actually running” polls from the primary season seriously.

  • The parties are private entities and can set whatever rules they like for selecting a nominee. That said, this was technically still the same representative democratic process. Voters selected the delegates (which are bound on the first round voting only), but Biden dropped out and released his delegates to vote whichever way they wanted.

    Certainly I would’ve preferred for Biden to drop out last year and have had a full primary. But you can’t make someone accept the nomination when they don’t want it, and there are rules and a process for the already selected delegates to vote for someone else.

  • I personally have no issue with Harris as the nominee, the process that got her there, and she has my vote. But I’m not sure polls that are that hypothetical are worth very much when it wasn’t a fully serious primary but more a rubber stamp on the incumbent.

    If Biden would have decided not to run last year and let there be a full primary those polls don’t really convince me that Harris would have been the nominee. (For one thing there would have been actually campaigns by her and by alternatives.)

  • There’s no way they realistically hold or capture any of this. They just don’t have the logistics. But it’s an amazing opportunity to create a dilemma for Russia. They either 1) ignore it and let Ukrainian forces rampage around in Russian territory unopposed or 2) they redeploy forces from the front to defend Russian territory.

    The Ukrainian forces should stay nimble either way, and retreat without too big a fight back to their own territory in the latter case, hopefully having caused enough of a diversion for a counteroffensive where they need it.

  • California has like 67 times the population of Wyoming… yet they each have two senators. And that keeps increasing.

    The worst part about the legislative branch is that Congress also acted to handicap the House of Representatives. It was supposed to be the body based on population. And you may say “Well California has 52 and Wyoming only 1 so that’s proportional.” But the original intent was no more than 30,000 constituents per representative. So based on a quick look at the 2020 population figures, Wyoming should have 19 while California should have ~1,317. (That would also be equivalent to California having 69 representatives to Wyoming’s current 1.)