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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Abolishing slavery, ending Jim Crow, giving women the vote, becoming one of the first dozen countries on the planet to legalize gay marriage, helping win WW2, helping support Ukraine, donating more to foreign aid than any other country on the planet, the Marshall Plan, everything about NASA, best national parks on the planet, entertainment capital of the world, first country to land a man on the moon, the whole “nation of immigrants” things making us one of the most diverse countries on the planet.

    And of course, none of that excuses the dark parts of our history, the slavery, genocide, imperialism in Latin America, among many, many others. But that brings me to the thing I love most about American: with the exception of the loud Republican minority, we’re a country that actually reckons with the dark parts of our past and tries to make up for them instead of sweeping them under the rug. And then we get to work fixing them.

    We’ve made so much progress even in my relatively brief lifetime-- in agonizing two-steps-forward, one-step-back fashion, for sure, but that doesn’t make it not count. I’m so excited to see where we go in the future.

  • For the same reason fascists constantly accuse of “virtue signalling.” Dickheads like this have convinced us everyone is secretly as much of an amoral, power-hungry narcissist as them. So when we talk about caring about other people, they assume we must be lying for some kind of political benefit-- because there’s absolutely no way we actually care about other people, nobody does that, right?

    (This is also how they sleep at night, by the way: sure, they’re bad, but everyone else is just as bad as them if not worse, so who cares.)

    So yeah, a dickhead like Putin is going to assume every other country must secretly be just as revanchist as his Russia.

  • This. People this controlling and with this little regard for other people’s rights and boundaries tend to react extremely poorly to having their control challenged. The most dangerous time in any abusive relationship is when the victim leaves-- and make no mistake, OP, that’s what’s happening to your friend. Escalation to physical violence in these circumstances would not be out of the ordinary.

    Please be careful, and make sure your friend has a plan to make sure she’s in a safe place where her soon-to-be-ex can’t get to her before she breaks up with him. And I would strongly recommend you both get a restraining order if that’s something you feel comfortable doing.

    I know this may sound paranoid, but it’s always best to err on the side of caution in potentially dangerous situations like these.