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Idk why I keep going down this rabbit hole, especially when the mods keep censoring every rational argument I make, but I just want my question answered: How is Palestine going to be any better? A state controlled by Hamas? Hamas is also a terrorist organization far worse than the Israeli government. Hamas terrorists intentionally recorded their murder, rape, and torture of civilians, including around 200 foreign nationals, and took at least 240 hostages back with them to Gaza. , which is illegal based on ‘UN law’ from that Wikipedia article you sent me. Also, if you read that article, you’ll notice a lot of it is disputed.
If you support Palestine, then you are not
anti-apartheid, anti-ethnic cleansing, and anti-genocide.
As in Hamas’ own words, they want to get rid of all Jews from the area. will almost definitely be the governing body of Palestine. Not to mention, many Palestinians in Israel want all Jews either dead or gone. To be clear, I am not calling Pro-Palestinians anti-semitic, I am just saying that’s what would happen.
Also, to throw in another question: How is Israel ‘occupation’ any different than North America occupying the lands formerly owned by the Native Americans? Should the U.S., Canada, and Mexico hand it back over to them?
You should watch this video. It’s actually very entertaining and informative.
I am right there with you, though. Israel needs to pull out of the Westbank and leave Gaza alone. Netanyahu needs to be tried, and the IDF needs major reforms.
The ideal solution would be to create a 2-state system, but we all know that would never work in practice.
Finally, to the mods- I hope you understand that this application does not have a lot of users and that deleting controversial comments that you dont agree with without any rationale is exactly how you drive out people. I’ve already unfollowed this sub because of you, and I am contemplating deleting my lemmy account because everything on here is pretty much politics.
Idk why I keep going down this rabbit hole, especially when the mods keep censoring every rational argument I make, but I just want my question answered: How is Palestine going to be any better? A state controlled by Hamas? Hamas is also a terrorist organization far worse than the Israeli government. Hamas terrorists intentionally recorded their murder, rape, and torture of civilians, including around 200 foreign nationals, and took at least 240 hostages back with them to Gaza. , which is illegal based on ‘UN law’ from that Wikipedia article you sent me. Also, if you read that article, you’ll notice a lot of it is disputed.
If you support Palestine, then you are not
anti-apartheid, anti-ethnic cleansing, and anti-genocide.
As in their Hamas’ own words, they want to get rid of all Jews from the area. will almost definitely be the governing body of Palestine. Not to mention, many Palestinians in Israel want all Jews either dead or gone. To be clear, I am not calling Pro-Palestinians anti-semitic, I am just saying that’s what would happen.
Also, to throw in another question: How is Israel ‘occupation’ any different than North America occupying the lands formerly owned by the Native Americans? Should the U.S., Canada, and Mexico hand it back over to them?
You should watch this video. It’s actually very entertaining and informative.
I am right there with you, though. Israel needs to pull out of the Westbank and leave Gaza alone. Netanyahu needs to be tried, and the IDF needs major reforms.
The ideal solution would be to create a 2-state system, but we all know that would never work in practice.
Finally, to the mods- I hope you understand that this application does not have a lot of users and that deleting controversial comments that you dont agree with without any rationale is exactly how you drive out people. I’ve already unfollowed this sub because of you, and I am contemplating deleting my lemmy account because everything on here is pretty much politics.
This community is clearly pro-Palestine since I keep getting downvoted, and only my comments are getting deleted, but I do find it funny how everyone here is giving me shit for being a Zionist and everyone else is ignoring my statement about how Palestine would be significantly worse. What’s your alternative?
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How do you ensure the alternative doesn’t?
You can support Israel without supporting what they’re doing.
Edit: the state of Israel
It would be far too much of a compliment to the Republicans if we compared them to the nazis. They are basically their younger sibling that got dropped on their head as an infant.
it takes days to get medicine and then an hour or more wait at the store to actually get a pharmacist to hand it to you.
Where do you live? I live(d) in the largest metros in the U.S, and have used 5 different CVS pharmacies. Only one was kind of iffy, and it was right by a major state university. The one I currently go to gets the meds the next or even same day, and I rarely wait. Even the busier ones at peak times, I never waited more than 30 minutes.
Fair point. I just wish they hit more red states.
Except 2/3 of those states voted blue.
CVS and Walgreens are everywhere. I’ve lived in several cities and always see them. CVS is also in Targets. I use them. Very good pharmacy. I don’t think they’re going anywhere anytime soon.
People need to stop this comparison. Hitler was intelligent and surrounded by monsters. Trump is just a child surrounded by other children with no one to tell them no.
Many private schools actually do give full rides to students whose families make under a certain threshold. Still insane tuition, but not as bad as one might think.