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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Nah, son. Thylacines have, in a way, become cryptids since their extinction, complete with cheesy travel shows where some bogan tells you all about how they totally saw one time and they’re 100% sure it was a thylacine they barely saw from a distance running away through the tall grass after sunset. I’ve seen similar shows about Bigfoot, Nessie, Mothman, and others. They don’t exist anymore, making your chances of seeing one alive no more likely than seeing Bigfoot, which is the point I was making. Animals thought to be extinct being officially rediscovered is a pretty rare occurrence; I assure you it doesn’t happen “regularly”. It’s a big deal when it happens because it’s quite rare. Yes, I’m familiar with the stories of all the other extinct species you mentioned as well. The ivory-billed woodpecker is still considered by most ornithologists to be extinct, and the last widely accepted sighting of any individual was in 1987, despite some supposed (but not universally accepted or entirely conclusive) sightings every once in a while. In 2020, a guy working for Fish and Wildlife claimed to have ID’d one in video footage, but it must not have been very compelling because the very next year Fish and Wildlife proposed declaring it officially extinct. People claim to have sighted the ivory-billed woodpecker not infrequently, much like the thylacine. What is infrequent is any compelling evidence whatsoever, however.

  • There have been many sightings and footprints found of Bigfoot, too. I live in the Bigfoot sighting capital of the world and new sightings are routinely reported. If the “Portland” in your name is in reference to the one in Oregon, you do too.

    The last widely accepted sighting of a wild thylacine was in 1933, nearly a hundred years ago. Even if any tiny, isolated pockets had managed to escape extermination (which is unlikely on an island without much mountainous terrain or dense forest, especially when everyone and their grandma was out hunting them for the bounty the government put on their tails), they’d be in big trouble owing to genetic drift by now. You always hear people say “I know what I saw,” but do they really? It makes me circle back to the Bigfoot thing. At least some of the people who claim to have seen Bigfoot genuinely believe they really saw him.

  • 260 beds isn’t anywhere near enough to shelter every homeless person on the streets, whether in Grants Pass or Portland, which aren’t the same place, by the way. The mention of this is especially disgusting when you consider that 260 beds is clearly not nearly enough to solve a homelessness issue for a city and it only serves to falsely lay blame on the homeless. Even if you’re staying in a shelter, you’re still homeless; they aren’t a solution in themselves. Shelters are generally poorly maintained, unhygienic, and unsafe. They’re a good place to get all your shit stolen, too. Have you ever been to a homeless shelter? They aren’t nice places to be, plus they have all sorts of ridiculous and overly-restrictive rules and policies that have to be followed. Given Portland’s homeless population, 260 beds is a total drop in the bucket anyway, so treating that as an available solution that people aren’t using is incredibly disingenuous because most of them are being used and there still aren’t nearly enough to shelter everyone, even if they were actually worth staying in. Since you brought up Portland, I’ll talk a bit about Portland, but don’t forget that this story is about Grants Pass, where about a third of all residents pay more than half of their incomes on rent, making Grants Pass one of the most rent-burdened towns in Oregon.

    KGW, like most MSMs, tends to have a slant against homeless people, loyally parroting whatever the police and mayor, Ted Wheeler, tell them without a lick of journalistic analysis. They love whining about the homeless at every opportunity they can, but I never see them report on those killed by hypothermia as a direct result of frequent and brutal police sweeps, or when the homeless are often outright murdered by class terrorists.

    Instead of doing anything meaningful about the homelessness crisis, Portland invests all of its money into increasing the police budget and putting up anti-homeless architecture instead of tackling rampant rent inflation, or lack of access to mental health treatment, or developers only building luxury apartments, etc. They’ve experimented with some alternatives, such as little clusters of tiny, one-room shelters, but not in sufficient amounts to make any meaningful difference. Their policies don’t actually reduce homelessness at all, it just squeezes those in a tough situation even harder and criminalizes the poorest among us.

    You also left out the main fact of the matter that Grants Pass literally outlawed being homeless. Down on your luck and living on the streets? Congratulations, you’re also a criminal now. That’s outrageous. It is now illegal to be too poor. How this could be justifiable in anyone’s mind is shocking to me.

  • Lol, that is 100% true… only get votes by calling their opponents far right on social issues.

    Can’t wait for 28 when you libs call the Republican candidate a uniquely dire threat

    Heard this same story every 4 years my entire life. It’s starting to not work anymore

    Who’s making things up to feel better? Yeah, you accused them at least a few times of using scare tactics to gain favor, indicating that the threat isn’t really there and that it’s actually nothing to worry about. Then you use the same scare tactics that the DNC threatens to drag the US to the right.

    Have sent way more links

    You’ve sent 5 sources across like 28 comments, I’ve done over twice that. So what?

    January 6 was not a real insurrection or else they would have guns and a plan to stay

    They did, among other weapons. They also had to be forced from the building before they left, they weren’t leaving on their own. They also weren’t just let in, there is footage everyone has seen of lines of riot cops fighting to prevent entry to the building itself.

  • You’re the one making up hyprocritical arguments to vote for Dems

    Again, I’ve always said it should be Biden on the basis that Biden wouldn’t be as bad as Trump, despite Biden’s clear flaws. That’s what I’m still saying. You’re the one continuously criticizing the Dems for using scare tactics to get votes, and then promptly doing exactly the same for yourself by baselessly calling the Dems “far-right” over and over.

    I’m the one stating facts here

    Lmao you’ve done nothing of the kind, you just keep giving the same insane opinions. Something like, “Biden broke the UAW strike” is a fact and literally true, well done. That’s the first fact in a good while, though. It’s also just one example, so here’s a counter-example. Trump took SNAP from nearly 700,000 people. Something like, “the DNC are far-right” is just an opinion and not literally true. You’d have a lot more work on your hands to be convincing in that regard when the real right is salivating at the thought of gutting programs like SNAP and Social Security right now.

    Trump is too incompetent

    More handwaving. He literally already came close to stopping the certification of his failure by force and has lots of help from his team of loyal strategists. This election really is like no other.

  • Lol, that is 100% true, Dems are far right economically, and only get votes by calling their opponents far right on social issues.

    Doubling down on the hypocrisy isn’t going to help you. Here you are calling them far-right again. Which is it, is it a bad thing to scare up voters for yourselves by supposedly exaggerating the evils of your opponent, or something you find useful yourself? These are just empty words without anything to back them up, anyway. You haven’t shown any of this or made any actual comparisons to the right, it’s no more than an opinion. Why does the actual right hate Biden’s economic policy if it’s so far right?

    This time is for real!

    Why not? You’ve certainly not provided anything that would convince me otherwise, you’ve just handwaved it away. It would be hard to argue that these are not unprecedented times for a long list of reasons. We’ve already personally witnessed Trump’s appalling presidency and we’ve already witnessed his attempt at a coup to forcefully stay in office. It’s certainly not impossible that he’d simply try again, and it’s certainly not impossible it would work this time, having learned from past mistakes. This was just 3 years ago, it’s still very relevant to now.

  • I’ve been saying it should be Biden over Trump from the beginning and gave reasons for why I felt it should be so. There’s no inconsistency there. You’ve just been calling the Dems far-right and then complaining that the Dems only get votes by calling their opponents far-right. That’s hypocrisy plain as day. It doesn’t matter if you spend money or not, you’re still out here personally spreading the exact same message.

    quickly quoted and debunked your CNN level talking points

    If you say so, bud. I provided verifiable facts with links that support my stance of why Biden is the better practical choice instead of Stein or Trump. You’ve just been doing whataboutisms this whole time.

  • It is true liberals use the same arguments to elect economically right wing democrats, you keep falling for it.

    You’re here endlessly repeating the exact same talking points as seemingly your only persuasion, and yet you think that I fell for these arguments? Sounds like whatever political news “source” you use just makes the same talking points about the DNC instead of the GOP. If you claim that these arguments are necessary to “trick” voters, but you use them yourself to try to persuade me, then either you got tricked into supporting the Greens, or you’re trying to trick me yourself.

    Your refusal to vote tactically doesn’t make you better or smarter than anyone else, if anything it indicates that your priorities are all out of order. It almost sounds like you hate Biden even more than Trump.

    I got you to send a book right back lmao, all I had to do was call you too stupid to be able to. I wanted to see what I could write in about 10 minutes, the amount of time you said it would take to waste my vote. It was kinda fun.

    If only we had politicians in the government right now calling for the end of Israeli aid. Oh wait…

  • They can’t win because no one votes for them. They peaked 20 years ago. Honestly, I’d have more respect if you were to simply eschew electoral politics altogether. That’s at least a more principled stance. The Green Party isn’t our savior any more than the Democrats are. At least the Democrats have a chance in this election, though, instead of some unclear future date which may never come. There are plenty of failed parties, the vast majority of which never got anywhere.

    Your votes are what enables Trump to win, rather than merely exist.