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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Meh. Sure, she’s gonna be able to leverage some of that stuff into a paycheck, but she squandered the influence of more powerful Republicans and generally acted like a spoiled child. Even MTG has more focus on the evil shit conservatives are doing and that’s saying something.

    Boebert isn’t going to get near as many speaking invites and won’t be able to charge anywhere near what other ejected Republicans can. Fucking Mike Flynn and the pillow man can charge more than boobert

    I’m pretty sure her TV appearances are mostly going to be Newsmax and OAN.

    And honestly, the only reason that CO repububs are being this open about ditching her is because everyone already knows her reelection bid is dead in the water. Dem Adam Frich lost by less than a thousand votes in the midterms and all projections anticipate him handily trouncing her in the next general. Its not because they actually care about her giving handies during Beetlejuice.

  • This is the correct perspective. As it turns out, a huge amount of people that believe Bill Gates is injecting 5G chips into people absolutely don’t vote. If you recall, the first amendment nuts in the loser convoys and a bunch of the J6 defendants weren’t even registered to vote and yet they screeched election interference. For an election they didn’t even bother to vote in.

    2020 was one of the highest blue voter turnouts in national history making record first time voters in their 30s and 40s.

    So yes, it should be pointed out that everyday people turning out to vote against this brain rot is just as important whether or not magats and human vegetables are voting too.

  • Exactly. LinkedIn jobs is incredibly useful. I have also found it useful for helping friends and colleagues find new jobs or make career switches because of the connections I have. I only maintain work connections through LinkedIn as I don’t use Facebook, Instagram, etc.

    Absolutely, ignore the post feed. It’s just capitalist boot fucking. A bunch of fucking losers with made up bullshit in their titles trying to be leadership influencers.

    I sincerely vouch for the jobs function, though.

  • It’s honestly extremely humorous. I made a Twitter account in 2015 because it was a requirement for a emergency management crisis communications class I was taking for work. After the course ended I didn’t log into it again until Musk bought Twitter. I knew it was going to be a hilarious dumpster fire and wanted to watch it melt down in real time. It hasn’t disappointed. But this most recent thing about the rate limits is so hilariously dumb I figured I’d seen enough. Deleted the app off my phone yesterday.

    As you point out, Twitter’s death is going to mean a huge improvement to journalism. Someone on Lemmy mentioned yesterday how nice it is to not be on Reddit which had gotten to be like 80% Twitter screenshots. Twitter and Reddit diving like this at the same time is going to be a net positive.