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Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • No, the parents were arrested for children being truant. One had too many unexcused absences because the child had sickle-cell anemia and the single mom had to spend a lot of time dealing with the court process.

    It wasn’t fines it was threatening jail and arrest. She kept people in overcrowded jails against the orders of the Supreme Court, because the county needed slaves for fire-fighting because prison firefighters cannot become wildfire firefighters when they are out of prison. She also has never pushed back against abusive police.

    Her past as a tough on crime Attorney General has been recently glossed over and she won’t speak on it or admit she made mistakes.

  • When going over the “opioid crisis” from the news/government, there are many things that blur the line between who or what makes an addict. You also need to look at the people who promote “Harm Reduction” and treatment as separate from people who need it. Those who push the addiction treatment angle and push the Buprenorphine angle are part of a large rise in for-profit treatment centers, that pick up a lot of people who are not addicted.

    The funny thing is that she says she understands that the Opioid Crisis is like the Crack Epidemic from before ( Atlanta Black Star May 18th 2017). But forgets to point out that Opiates are necessary healthcare. Unlike the Crack push during the 80’s, modern medicine needs high strength pain relief. Crack/Cocaine have no medical purpose besides some eye and brain surgery aspects, but surgery needs opiate pain relief in order to save lives. Too much pain during surgery will kill people. Too much pain in recovery from surgery leads to chronic conditions.

    Nearly all the focus has been on treatment and ignoring the medical usefulness of those drugs. While I will fully admit that she has not said anything directly against pain medication, she hasn’t said anything positive about them either. A lot of the worry with her in pain management groups has been her tough talk on crime.

    During her CA AG years, she fought to keep prisoners in overcrowded prisons instead of following the Supreme Court orders. During her time in San Fracisco, she has had no recourse over locking up parents over school truancy. This leads toward a tough on crime person who many pain patients believe will keep the DEA punishing doctors who prescribe pain medication.

    The CDC has already revised their disastrous guidelines for opiate prescriptions. Those guidelines were way outside their expertise due to the fact that addiction is not a communicable disease. Another problem with the CDC changes is that the media has ignored the problems.

    The person involved with the CDC changes has invested heavily in treatment centers which make great money on recycling people through their doors no matter if they are actual addicts or pain patients. With new medicaid and Medicare guaranteed funding, addiction is good money with nebulous result metrics. Patients with chronic pain issues end up unable to receive adequate treatment once their file has been marked with the scarlet letter A.

    Senator Harris on competition

    While a Senator, Harris got into a “beef” with the makers of Vivitrol, an alternative to Buprenorphine, which is still the major drug in use today. Buprenorphine has supplanted all other medication in the treatment of opiate use disorder, the official name for addiction, in fact the majority of all doctors now are pressured into that single drug for pain and addiction. Even though Buprenorphine hasn’t been approved for chronic pain, doctors don’t get bothered as long as they push Buprenorphine.

    That’s a problem for pain patients, because Buprenorphine has even worse withdrawal effects than heroin, which feeds into the addiction treatment center cycle.

    Because of the VA having such a PR loss in the 2010’s, you can’t get anything else but Buprenorphine from them without going through years of trials of everything.

    To wind back to Kamala Harris, we have to infer things from her past and how she has changed her politics. She has a poor distinction of the actual problem when it comes to patients. That is actually a problem with how difficult it seems to find old data searching the web. She doesn’t have all too many direct quotes, so we have to infer based on disparate sources.

    The DEA are going after doctors who prescribe medication that isn’t on the “list”. The DEA are also pushing hard against ADHD medication stocks, which pushes many people to choose between the black market, screaming in agony, or suicide (which have gone up a lot during the recent crackdown on both medications).

    Harris is still pushing the old way of harm reduction and treatment without taking into account patients who actually need the pain medication that isn’t Suboxone prescribed off-label.

    If you really are interested in the pain patient story, check out:

    That article has a lot of information about the problems facing pain patients.

    Maybe Kamala doesn’t know, we all know that Trump doesn’t care. Kamala Harris is still pushing the old broken ideas from a decade ago. flawed views by everyone in 2019

    I hope this had enough information. Attacking people with actual problems won’t change things. Separation of the 2% who actively have the addiction brain issue from the rest will make this whole thing go away. I’m stuck on using a high dose of off-label Suboxone thar took me over a year of hell and pain to slightly manage my pain, when If the DEA would allow doctors to prescribe based on science would be going back to my treatments from 2003-2012 where I had a close to normal life. Then they took all my medications away, gave me drugs that increased my weight by 80+ pounds and helped ruin my family life, divorce, and losing g access to my son. But hey. The makers of Buprenorphine sure made a lot of money, while I lost most of my teeth.

  • The person being nominated is considered the leader of the party. At least it has for as long asbI can remember. Number 2, while I understand she may not have said those exact words, Biden’s border bill is basically a Republican bill that only was killed to make Democrats look bad.

    Tightening the amnesty and refugee quotas won’t make it better. Acknowledging that this whole border crisis is manufactured would do more.

    Fox and the rest love to lie about how much asylum seekers get paid, bur will never give that money to the people that they promote are missing out.

    Finally, moving to the right is normal campaign strategy, but there was no push to the left during the Primary stage. This is just going from center right to more right. Because Biden never was on the left.

  • I knew what to expect from Biden. Granted I wanted him to hold to his one term promise, which is why I didn’t vote for him during the Primary.

    VP’s don’t do much beyond supporting their president, so Kamala as VP wasn’t a big deal. Hey taking over, with her previous baggage of pro prison slavery and ignoring police brutality, is less of a slow Biden administration. So far there are rumors that she spends less time in Washington than GWB did as President, and will take plenty of breaks to recharge in LA. A President can’t be a part-time job, it ages a person.

    Also, why are you saying I’m lying when I was willing to follow the party for Biden? Wasn’t that what had been constantly preached to do for months to stop Trump?

    Just because I understand the difference between two radically different candidates doesn’t mean I’m now some unfaithful actor. Granted everyone is just lines on a screen. This isn’t a football game or boxing match, this is choosing someone who will decide the fate of all Americans for four years. Just because the Republicans chose a horrible evil candidate doesn’t mean the Democrats can keep stringing along the left with the same carrot hoping we all keep falling for their lies.

    Moving toward the right doesn’t work when the other side is a cult. So, why should the left side of the party keep following the DNC when they keep moving right? This is the third election where they want everyone to just fall in line, but the DNC isn’t a cult, so people should be free to voice opinions on the problems with a Candidate.

  • I don’t think we need more prosecuters and law and order folks leading the US. For people who need access to their medications to live, we don’t need another person not understanding opiates to make life harder and threatening to put the doctors supporting Chronic Pain patients in jail.

    We don’t need another leader against the poor advocating for more prisons to keep slavery a viable business.

    We especially don’t need an insider who will follow all the rules of the neocon playback to be pushed on the party like a other Hillary. There are other women available to become president besides the first laser of the 2020 primary. She was the token black woman of Biden’s administration, to show minorities that he actually cares about them, instead of them remembering his crime bill and anti-integration stances.

    Just like Biden was used to show white people that Obama wasn’t a bad type of African American president.

    The only thing this may do is maybe lower the Israel issue and weapon sales. The DNC are fine with her because she supports the constant failure of Gun Control, Drug Controls, and keeping the poor poor. She won’t push a radical change against business leaders, push for inequality changes for workers, or stop legalized slavery.

    I really can’t support her. I would have voted for Biden, but now I can’t find any reason to vote for any presidential candidate.

  • Harris was the first to drop out of the last Primary. Do people really think that she is what the majority of Democrats wanted?

    Oh, she’s pro locking up more people and making the Drug War even bigger by continuing to go after chronic pain patients and people who need medication after surgeries.

    She ticked the correct policy boxes of big business and prison labor way before her superficial looks allowed an old racist like Biden tokenize her.