Lemmington Bunnie

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • We draw stock internationally via FedEx, with usually at least one shipment arriving per day.

    If I have a particularly urgent order for my customer, I will of course be tracking the incoming shipment.

    Every. Damn. Time. I visit their website, I get halted in my usual manic pace by their stupid, slow to load pop up. I haven’t even been able to figure out how to block it, and usually don’t have time when I’m working to figure these things out.

    Our company gives you so much money, FedEx - why do you have to be so difficult to work with as thanks?!

  • I’m living with my grandmother in law and she’s just very fussy. Sometimes we think, I’d rather just pay rent somewhere, but we love her and she’s unwell and we’re saving money so we’re all looking after each other for now and trying not to sweat the small stuff like hanging a television when we don’t really need to.

    I honestly haven’t even asked, but I know what the answer will be - can’t even leave the toaster that I use daily on the bench, has to go away once cooled. Getting to leave my coffee machine out was a bloody battle.

    Her house, we live here for free and just pay our share of utilities and do our own groceries, and I help her if she is having a bad health day etc. It’s fine. It’s (mostly) worth the frustration.

    I’m more annoyed with the limitations that renters experience in general - it’s the landlord’s property, but it’s the renter’s home, and sometimes it feels like we’re never really allowed to make any place our own, what with all the rules and regulations and punishments.

    ETA: "won’t have a bar of… ", ie she won’t accept that sort of thing.

  • I want a way to signal to people, sorry I’m freaking weird and apologies in advance for my awkwardness.

    I’ve always loved the infinity symbol, got it engraved on a ring for my partner over a decade ago.

    I also love badges.

    Considering finding an enamel rainbow infinity badge online - and if someone mistakes me as queer, I don’t mind, I’m an ally and a bit bi anyway.

    Bigots get way too hung up on symbols.

    I like to think of symbols as positive things - either covert ways to communicate with like minded people in an unfortunately negative environment, or ways to show pride in something if the symbol is widely recognised.

    When that pride is something includes infringement on the rights of others, then we have a problem.

    Otherwise, yay, go wild.

    Yes, officer, I’ve had a few drinks - why do you ask?

  • My hairdresser was disassociating due to PTSD and stuck her hand into the mower blade because it was gunked up and not moving. She forgot to turn it off and sliced her hand up, and can no longer do her job.

    Should we ban mowers?

    My uncle in law came off a motorbike and was sliced apart by a guardrail, and died.

    Should we ban motorbikes? Guardrails? Both?

    Some things come with risk but bring greater reward. We need to weigh risk vs reward, and in the balance, nuclear comes out much further ahead - as long as it built and maintained to a high standard. It’s also much, much safer and less harmful than the current options like coal.