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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • More, less, or the same as the immigrants?

    It’s unlikely the last immigrants body being found is international news.

    I’ll tell you my answer. Less. Far, far less. The immigrants weren’t in a pleasure cruise. Theirs was a journey with purpose.

    Also, fuck billionaires and their adult children who maintain contact with their billionaire parents. She made an adult decision to get on that boat. Fulton by association.

    I feel more for the employees but still less than the immigrants.

  • The issue he’s going to face is that he has no power this time.

    Last time he was the president. He was able to set up the situation that lead to a crisis with no immediate response.

    There is no way that happens. They will be ready regardless of how likely anything is going to develop.

    I won’t be surprised if there is a much larger body count this time around. I would be disappointed if the order to shoot on sight wasn’t given for anyone that storms any federal building.

    They need to be prepared for bombings like what happened in Oklahoma all those years ago.

  • Based on the dark humor groups on Facebook, I am quite confident this is what racists actually believe. Transphobes too.

    The poorly educated think dark humor is a joke an acceptable way to joke about ideas they hate.

    When a study linking dark humor to intelligence was released, the knuckle draggers clucked and strutted about, thinking their hatred indicated intelligence.