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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • And with some damn wiggle room this time.

    We had multiple Democrats Peel off and stymied loads of progress (Manchin, Sinema etc).

    We need enough room for the wolves in sheep’s clothing to not make a (D)ifference in the progress we need to shut down authoritarianism.

    The supreme court being public enemy #1 means we need everything else to be operating seamlessly to be able to prevent every single goal for project 2025 line by line immediately and permanently.

    Undoing regulatory capture will also be a monumental feat, as will reforming media’s ability to platform lies and disinformation that are objectively false.

    Huge fucking task list and we haven’t even talked about running the actual country yet. We’re gonna need one hell of a blue wave to drown the fascists and drain the swamp.

  • DOJ should go after right wing media for intentionally espousing disinformation.

    Pull a scientology and file individual lawsuits for every instance of lies, disinformation, false narratives, inciting violence, pushing agendas of enemy states etc.

    The biggest problem isn’t police, it’s that entire government’s and media apparatus are solely focused on destroying America and are getting away with it consequence free.

    Once we drain the swamp, the police rats won’t have full political and media support for hiding their crimes and we can start making federal police reforms that actually have teeth for going after all these bad apples.

    Throwing some Rapey, murdery police in jail is a start, but the national corruption runs way way deeper, and until that cancer is removed, real progress cannot be made as there will just be another game of musical chairs shuffling the problems around.

  • What a stupid comment.

    OP was illustrating the effect of total media control and propaganda, the local culture it generated with the loss of local resources, poisoned land, and jobs shipped overseas.

    Yes, it’s sad that people were able to be brainwashed over generations with 100% captured media giving people a false culture built on lies and deceit.

    It’s also sad that people who come to a revelation that they have been taken for a ride, they no only have to accept they were wrong for a large part of their life, responsible for voting to make it worse, and would likely lose their friends/family by rejecting the false narrative that’s been embraced locally.

    Even if you hate these people for their situation, you’ll still have to deal with them as voters and members of the population. Hating/confronting them will only push them further right.

    We really need to bring the country together, and remove the us VS them mentality the wealthy use to divide us.

    You are coping out by literally writing off half your country, refusing to understand the problem, don’t want to address the root causes, and have no interest in resolving the issue.

    Do you have any kind of plan aside from blaming the others for all the problems? Because that’s exactly how the wealthy maintain the status quo.

  • Less chat bots on Lemmy, and they seem to be easily identifiable and ignored/reported.

    Lemmy isn’t quite at that sweet spot where there are enough daily users to get niche content and information from a group of knowledgeable people - but some communities seem to be quite active and helpful already.

    I’d love to get to the point where we have a big science/history community and get some non-celebrity AMA’s that have genuine interaction.

    I’m more than happy for Lemmy to stay “underground” for a good while, slowly building communities. Once things hit a critical mass and wind up on corporate radar, lemmy will get swarmed and another migration will happen with the same core groups that joined lemmy early.

  • Even if he had suspicions, he’d been in service for 24 years, which is huge.

    If I worked for someone for 24 years and they looked like they wanted to go fight overseas, I’d absolutely consider retirement as well.

    Service to your country isn’t accomplished exclusively by going overseas to shoot people.

    Republicans are literally speed running a 100% completed anti-christ identity. Not even in the specific ‘end of days antichrist’, but like literally, specifically, the complete opposite of absolutely everything their Christian deity Jesus stood for.