You know, I should buy a spare. Thanks for the idea
You know, I should buy a spare. Thanks for the idea
Literally why I’m still sitting here on my Pixel 5.
In the past, manufacturers seem to “innovate” every few years and reinvent the small form factor phone. I’m waiting, hoping we see that trend breaking again soon.
I like clean water, good weather forecasts, and I want to fix the bridges.
Why is it always in CT??? That’s an incredible save, if the first round of compressions weren’t really effective. I can’t even imagine doing compressions for 11 minutes at all, let alone in isolation gear. I think I’d join the patient, if I tried that.
I was really readying a polite, “No you should definitely render aid first and ask questions later” lecture until your comment made me read that again…slowly.
That setup was subtle and very well done. Bravo @FauxPseudo@lemmy.world
And then the movie patient pops up and smiles and everything is perfectly restored back to normal instead of, “Oh, we convinced your heart to start beating again, but you’re still unconscious probably because you have brain damage, your kidneys are dying, your blood is acidic, and now we’re gonna put you on a breathing machine. Best wishes!”
There are a few things I wish we could really show the public. The first is how brutally savage and undignified CPR really is. And the second is what alcohol abuse really does to a person.
Chronic malnutrition, brain damage, hallucinations, anxiety, internal bleeding, fluid swelling your abdomen like a water balloon, literal ammonia building up in your blood that we treat by deliberately inducing massive diarrhea. That’s not even mentioning esophageal varices and the increased cancer risk.
Alcohol is a horrifying drug.
Critical care nurse here. The answer is esophageal varices.
It’s the same physiological anomaly as hemorrhoids, except in your esophagus. Swollen, fragile veins caused by increased internal pressure. In the case of hemorrhoids, that pressure inside the veins is caused by straining too much when trying to poo. In esophageal varices, the increased pressure inside the esophageal veins comes from blood backing up from a swollen, scarred, and damaged liver. So we often see esophageal varices in end stage alcohol use disorder.
Horror stories abound in emergency departments and ICUs of having to do CPR on a patient massively hemorrhaging out of their mouth from esophageal varices. As soon as nurses I know saw this report, our immediate thought was, “Yep, varices.”
I’ve had several great bosses through the years. Ones who considered teaching me and developing my skills/career to be part of their primary job duties instead of feeling threatened. I learned a ton from them.
My current boss is also amazing. I’m a nurse at a hospital that just unionized, and she really puts her job on the line to make sure we have what we need to keep the patients on our unit safe. She’s a lot of the reason I didn’t quit a long time ago.
Sheepsquatch is the new jackalope
Right, but without Chevron, it just means the federal agencies have to go to court to make changes. All of which cases will be filed in the Fifth Circuit and rubber stamped, I’m sure. I think overturning Chevron would be a mild inconvenience for a second Trump presidency.
It’s originally about Chevron the company lol. The original Supreme Court case that set the modern precedent was Chevron (the company) vs. Natural Resources Defense Council. That case allowed the EPA to do things like determine safe levels for things like lead in water, particulate matter in air, etc. without explicitly having a whole ass court argument over each and every number that they wanted to set.
Overturning the original Chevron case will literally dismantle the entire regulatory process in the United States.
You think the courts won’t let him do whatever he wants?
My grandmother with Alzheimer’s passed those clinical tests long after she had already asked us to take away her keys because she knew she wasn’t safe to drive anymore. So yeah…
Fascists deliberately create chaos so they can try to sell you the idea that they’re the only ones who can end the chaos.
What a beautiful thing
That was during wartime and it was a court martial. Courts martial are still notoriously harsher than civil courts today.
This is exactly why the billionaires are dismantling the current social media platforms. Organizing is the only threat they truly fear.
Are you suggesting a privatized National Weather Service and toll bridges would be better? If so, I have a nice bear-ridden town in New Hampshire you might like to move to.
Regulations are exactly how you deal with negative externalities.The EPA makes corporations pay for reducing pollution and cleanup. Why do you think corporations target EPA so much? Because EPA costs them money. Never hear any corporations whining about that free taxpayer-funded geological data coming out of USGS