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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I think what they may be trying to say is that the majority of Trump supporters are not the rabid followers. This is why they are so dangerous. The majority of his support is not the crazy people you see on TV. They are your friends, family and coworkers, your neighbors, people you know.

    Trump is selling a solution to the political corruption that nearly EVERYONE is sick of. This is what makes him popular. The people voting for him will tolerate non-direct racism but they aren’t choosing that side because of it. What you hear about from the media is the crazy people that make good stories.

    And yes, Trump brings along a con-crew with their own agenda who are just as corrupt as those that Trump complains about. They’ve been scheming long before Trump, he’s just the current tool.

  • Did you have a tutorial or something you followed?

    The last time I installed Linux was over 20 years ago when I repurposed an old Gateway PC to be a switch/VPN. I’m sure it’s not outside of my ability but wouldn’t know where to start.

    Working on remodeling a motorhome and I want to build a few Home Assistant interfaces. If I could use my old M8 that is still in perfect condition that would be amazing.

  • I have an M8 in perfect condition. I stopped using it when the HTC gallery bug corrupted a bunch of my photos.

    What is this about unlock codes? How do I get them? Do I need to use them ASAP?

    I don’t have the time to research and go through the steps to do this right now but I would like to use it in the near future.

  • I can confirm. Was in retail management until recently. Owner regularly boasted about how much money he made because he saw the beginning of the pandemic and bought a ton of product at the low prices they were at before prices started going up. Then raised prices to be 30% more than the competition raised prices.

    “People expect prices to go up, but they won’t be able to shop around so they will pay the extra. With all the shipping and package theft problems nobody will trust Amazon so it doesn’t matter if we are charging nearly twice as much. They want what we have and they will pay the price we set.”

    When I left they were still nearly double the price of LOCAL competition and still pulling profits. The thought is even if 30% of the customers leave and go somewhere else, with the margin being ridiculously high we still came out on top.

    “We make money by being the first to raise our prices and the last to lower them.”

    “We” was actually the owner.

    Bonuses were “Not Available” due to rising cost of operating during a pandemic. Raises were limited to cost of living increases based on state adjustments (which were far lower than our area).