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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • As an American I think that would all be reasonable…if the official US position was that Mexico has no right to exist, the Mexican people should be forcibly integrated into our society as 2nd class citizens, and the US Army was in the process of a “peacekeeping operation” in Mexico to carry all this out.

    For all our flaws, we respect the borders of our neighbors and don’t have irridentist aspirations that belong in the 19th century. Russia is the aggressor here, and they have demonstrated that they have little interest in global peace or human rights, only increasing their sphere of influence.

    Continually rolling over for thugs because it’s what avoids nuclear conflict will only lead to a global order based on thuggery, and it likely won’t even avoid nuclear conflict in the end.

  • There’s some subtle differences in the frame shape and other things that I’m too dumb to articulate. The only marks I can see are import marks from “CAI” - Century International Arms, which would be strange to see on a USGI 1911.

    I think this model is a Star BM, and surplus retailers were hocking these things for ~$250-300, about 6/7 years ago. I almost got one but decided against it.

  • And conservative voters see any measure to tackle this issue, no matter how benign, as “weak liberal nonsense” and “a waste of time” that cheapens our fighting ability. Of course I’m sure their hearts are set on what’s best for our military, and not that they’re sexist, racist abusers who don’t want their sexist, racist abuse to be challenged.

    This issue goes back at least as far as living memory for the US. We were particularly vicious to German women at the end of WWII. GI’s having illegitimate children with local women in Asia during our multiple wars there was so common it’s basically a trope.