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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I am not saying I go out socialising. But having to care for a family often makes it necessary to go out and get stuff. Especially when your symptom free vaccinated kids still go to school.

    Anyway do I believe I pose a significantly smaller threat than those individuals that transmit the virus despite having no symptoms at all.

    So I understand your concern and I agree that it is sensible to minimise exposure and take precautions but I also believe in commensurability of measures as there will never be 100% protection of infection. And I say that having dealt with two covid infections and months of heavy post-covid symptoms.

  • It is my very personal take on this and by no means a recommendation, but here is how I do it:

    If I feel seriously sick, that means: more than a common cold, I limit my social interactions to the bare necessary minimum. I will still do my own groceries (if possible outside rush hours) but sanitise my hands thoroughly, wear a fitting ffp2-mask and generally make a conscious effort to take hygiene much more seriously

    By now, anybody vulnerable has had the chance to get sufficiently vaccinated so that I don’t feel it is justified to lock myself up.

  • Do not tolerate the intolerant!

    We should tolerate every ideology and political flavour as long as its supporters are not actively attacking or suppressing other views and especially targeting vulnerable people. The goal should be to create a welcoming place of free speech for all and this requires to eliminate those who do not support this goal or actively work against it - namely fascists (and that includes more than just the old and alt right).

    Anti-fascism ist necessary action against those that claim freedom of speech but abuse it for ideological warfare with the ultimate goal of abolition of free speech.