You can’t use iCloud mail as Apple ID [update] You can’t setup an iCloud mail when you submit, after three months it is possible to change.
German by birth, Italian by fortuity, Catalan by choice. Philosopher by necessity. |IT-EN-CAT|
You can’t use iCloud mail as Apple ID [update] You can’t setup an iCloud mail when you submit, after three months it is possible to change.
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I don’t know, I’ve never used iCloud from the web… But you can follow the same process from iPhone or iPad
Using iCloud mail since 2011, no issues. Yes, mail uses your iCloud storage. To migrate your emails, open the Mail app on Mac, select all from the Gmail archive and search for “move to other folder” from the menu. Move to iCloud archive. You can follow the same process for any other folder.
Memmy is the app that currently gives me the most Apollo-like user experience. There are still elements that need to be refined but overall it is the best app for a painless migration from Reddit.
That’s correct, after three months you can setup your iCloud mail as Apple ID