Butterbee (She/Her)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 27th, 2023


  • While I think it’s funny that the tough on crime crowd is rallying behind a convicted felon it’s important to remember that sometimes there ARE people who have been politically suppressed. Eugene Debs ran in 1920 for the socialist party. He’d been convicted for speaking out against WW1 at the time. He didn’t win, but he did run.

    What I hope is that Trump just doesn’t win. His support goes way beyond simple constitutional rights or freedom of speech. These GOP voters are not REALLY saying convicted felons should be allowed to become president. They are saying TRUMP should be allowed to become president. It’s populist, slightly cultish, and entirely frightening. Due process means nothing, personality and whatever they personally view as “strength” are what matters to them.

  • There was a vote that happened in my youth where two parties ended up with (Edit: NEARLY) identical amounts of votes in the house. In my voting district there was an independent running who was fairly popular with the city and we voted him in. The end result was that during legislation there was some vote where the yes/no vote was split perfectly even between the two major parties and our little independent became the deciding factor Edit: My memory was faulty. He forced it into a tie with his vote and the speaker of the house had to be the tie breaker. But the point still stands that his one vote had a pretty large implication.

    This is a very niche and unlikely scenario (it did happen though, look up Chuck Cadman) but it was a very clear indication to me that yes, voting does matter. And every one single vote DOES count and make a difference.

  • Yes Louis Brennan designed a gyroscopic monorail in the early 1900’s but there’s a reason it didn’t work out. Every car needs its own gyroscope which is a lot of dynamic components that need maintenance. A regular two rail train is much simpler and cheaper to operate. The idea these techbros have that everything is made better with individual pods is pretty wasteful when we already have better and cheaper solutions to virtually every problem they have tried to invent for us. Are we even super concerned about rural folks taking transit? By definition they are a small portion of the population and have the greatest need for personal transport. Where we need transit adoption is in urban areas with large populations who all want to drive their personal 2 tonnes of plastic and steel right into town and park it (for free obviously) in their own little parking space.

    A gadgetbahn like this will only serve a limited population and won’t be able to tie into the existing transit network. There might be niche situations where it’s not a terrible idea but it is not a good generalized solution.