Sometimes I make video games

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • The name of the community comes from the idiom, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” The idea is that as long as the person asking the question genuinely wants to learn, then there is no question they can ask that would make them stupid because they’re trying to educate themselves - one of the least stupid things you can do.

    Some people feel shame at not knowing something, so they’ll often talk down to themselves and call it a stupid question. This is particularly true if the asker feels it’s something that they should already know or everyone around them seems to already know.

    This community offers a place where you can ask a question, no matter how small or basic, without fear of being made fun of. In a sense, you might say that the community welcomes stupid questions while at the same time reassuring the questioner that the question is not actually stupid.

  • I’m not sure one has much to do with the other. I completely agree that the Boston bombing investigation was a witch hunt, no argument here. But witch hunts target individuals, and individuals are entitled to a certain degree of privacy which one would hope would protect them from an uninformed mob.

    But airing your employers’ dirty laundry is whistle-blowing. It should be protected, especially if the industry secret is anti-consumer, dangerous, or illegal. And importantly, a corporation isn’t an individual, so they shouldn’t benefit from protections for individuals.

    It’s tempting to think that we don’t see the Name and Shame posts actually naming and shaming because of Reddit’s interests with advertisers. But I think it’s also just as likely that users don’t want to be identified leaking secrets - likely due to the litigious nature of their employers.

  • I used to have really bad chicken-scratch printing and I wanted to improve.

    The exercise that really stuck out for me was to find a font I liked in a book on calligraphy and started practicing the alphabet.

    Before I started practicing, I didn’t pay much attention to how I was forming a letter, I’d just draw it - and it would look messy. Once you start looking at each letter as a discrete number of strokes you start paying attention to the small parts and the whole looks much better.

    If you’re really lucky, you’ll find a guide with arrows showing which way to draw each stroke. Super helpful. Note that this font uses a fountain pen, so it’ll look different with a standard ballpoint: