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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • The real answer that anyone can realistically give you is to fight for your life and dont give in to despair. You can have your time to despair of course, but dont let it swallow you. Thats pretty general and beyond that, it’ll be advice to seek out programs that help which is also general and not always helpful.

    Your life is your own and flavored with so many variables that internet people can only help so much. I won’t give you advice, but I will tell you who I am and maybe that will help in some small way.

    I am a double leg amputee. A hip disarticulation on the left (no leg at all) and an above knee amputation on the right. I was a 35 year old professional driver with a six month old daughter when the accident that took my legs happened to me. I had no fault in it and had no way of seeing it coming. It was something I was forced to deal with. I was in a coma for a month.

    I woke up to endless pain, an ended relationship that was rocky anyway and a body so weak I had to start from scratch on even basic things like opening a can of soda. I was told I would have to use a power chair because of how damaged I was. I worked to be stronger than that and I succeeded, despite my endless phantom limb pain sometimes driving me insane. I use a manual chair by choice and I can do many other things I was told I wouldn’t be able to do again. Being legless and poor didn’t even stop me from meeting my wife, who is doing crafts with my daughter next to me.

    It’s been a decade since the accident and my life is more solidly grounded now then it ever was when I was able bodied. I faced enormous pain and physical challenges and still do, but I’m glad of it. It was the forging fire that revealed who I am now.

    There is a you that is looking back from a decade in the future. Who do they see in you now? The beginning of some maudlin end without even a fight, or the spark that eventually became your fire? If I can get through the shit, so can you.

  • Nothing about being an edgelord or cool. Its just not a thing that’s ever been an issue in any relationship, even ones I fucked up. It’s not even a thing I ever once heard talked about anywhere aside from the internet. It’s just a shit post argument that doesn’t matter, regardless of how you do it. Just an empty little thing people like fighting about online for whatever reason. That’s what I spit into the face of.

  • In order to pocket it. He signed a budget deal that his wife got the lion’s share to the tune of over a hundred million. He’s for sure an anti woke christofascist that wants to harm a large number of people, but he’s also greedy as all hell. Anything he can defund by screaming “woke!” at it is more funds he can redirect to his cronies and his pockets. He’s playing his voters for fools and the rest of us are forced to deal as best we can.

    I also doubt very seriously that this state will have a trustworthy election. He’s installed hick ass yes men all through our state government. I’m willing to bet Florida comes up deep red, but it won’t be accurate. This state is corrupt as fuck. It deserves the coming storms.