Uh yeah? Last summer the highest court in the land essentially ruled that he doesn’t have to so long as he’s the president. Only Congress has the authority to stop him now through impeachment and conviction.
Uh yeah? Last summer the highest court in the land essentially ruled that he doesn’t have to so long as he’s the president. Only Congress has the authority to stop him now through impeachment and conviction.
I don’t think so. He has the charisma of a flat tire and it was early enough that any sympathy wave would have lost its momentum by November.
Please! We’re in dire need of consequences.
I’ll take “things actual vegans never say” for $500!
I hate to be pessimistic but just how do you expect us to fix this? The only institutions who have any authority over his actions are controlled by people who have shown us time and again that they’re willing to enable his ascent to autocracy and now they see the last election as proof that that’s what the American people indeed want. This train effectively has no brakes.
Edit: typo
Just guessing, but eggs are a major staple in the average American diet that don’t have a whole lot of comparable alternatives like grain or milk. So when there’s a shortage or prices go up, people don’t have something to replace it with so it’s more apparent that they’re missing out on something and that gets attention.
Generally, I believe the convenience of cheap shit delivered to your door comes at the invisible cost of exploitative labor practices and/or excessive consumerism by the means of low quality crap that will need to be replaced regularly or through “buy more and save” deals. If you want to avoid supporting that, you’re probably going to have to spend a few extra bucks buying from a smaller business or buying secondhand.
Convenience isn’t free and if we want to reduce our dependence on harmful institutions we’re going to have to make some sacrifices.
Easy fix, don’t buy from Amazon.
All essentials are going up but at least some useless luxury items are coming down.
Many people sincerely believe certain kinds of labor to be valued at less than the cost of a decent human livelihood.
My impression is that Lemmy and the fediverse are a manifestation of the dissatisfaction with the current “normal” and “mainstream” social media platforms which are in decline due to hyper-capitalism. Is it no wonder the majority of its users’ ideology doesn’t align with what is “normal” and “mainstream”?
That being said, this system is designed so that communities can exist independently from one-another. You’re always welcome to create your own. Otherwise, lemmy.world is just about as “normal” as you’re going to get out of Lemmy.
Is this the fediverse’s answer to Instagram?
One for each of the bowls if beans
Our government leans heavily on decorum and good faith. Trump’s success has been due to his refusal to adhere to decorum and good faith. Our system doesn’t know how to handle that other than shaming and shaking fists so Trump gets free reign to do whatever he wants.
I want to live in the country she thinks she’s living in…
He fumbled his chance by historical margins when everybody was already scrutinizing his capabilities. There was no recovering from the debate. His legacy will be refusing to accept reality and bringing about an era that my generation may never recover from.
Spank us, daddy! We’ve been so naughty…
Can’t fail if you didn’t ever really try.
Because there’s no chance in hell that this will pass under a Republican majority.