How have you applied age to the word “man”? Unless you’re not an adult and “man” to you means being an adult?
How have you applied age to the word “man”? Unless you’re not an adult and “man” to you means being an adult?
Joel Michael Singer. You remember that douche that headbutted staff in a restaurant? Joel Michael Singer? Remember his Dad paid to have the video removed so that douche Joel Michael Singer’s reputation would be saved and we’d all forget that Joel Michael Singer is a piece of shit? Yeah.
Why did you ignore all the other points? I’d love to hear someone accept what Trump has done and will do. If Trump pulls out of Ukraine and allows another genocide, what will be your argument then? “Never again”? Or are you just trolling?
I don’t understand why anyone cares about winamp being updated, I still use winamp, have my music library locally and it does exactly what I need it to… play music. What are winamp even trying to do at this point, take over streaming?
Working retail induced a deep burning hatred for Christmas music, 2 months of non stop Christmas jingles paired with the rudest customers.