Looking for the next assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand?
Looking for the next assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand?
But they’re making up stories and betting the courts won’t dare to challenge them.
No, it’s worse than that. They know the Supreme Court will rule on their side no matter how ludicrous the reasoning is. See: the Dobbs decision.
This election was an existential threat to democracy. Anyone who was able to vote and didn’t vote for Harris, the opposition candidate, is to blame. The Democrats who stayed home because of fucking Gaza even moreso. We Harris voters knew this shit would happen because we pay attention. Anyone who voted for trump to send a message needs to do the same. There was 0 chance a trump presidency would turn out well for the Palestinians in Gaza.
This feels like it will be used as an excuse by the Republicans to detain or even murder opposition.
That’s exactly why an insurrection is needed.
Yea, cause he’s pretty much the antichrist. I mean, it’s the closest evidence I’ve even been presented with for anything in the Bible being real.
“No capes!”
Not only do I have shitty vision from diabetic retinopathy and I have horrible hand-eye coordination. If I tried woodworking, I’d end up killing myself or someone else!
“America is for Americans and Americans only!”
-Stephen Miller
“Germany is for Germans and Germans only!”
-Adolf Hitler
Shortly before his call with Benny, too. Interesting.
Jesus, how much outstanding balance does trump have on his credit cards???
An uneducated public is much easier to control. Especially when youtube and tiktok keep them brainwashed.
Oh, they won’t let you do that! They’ll transfer Fannie May and Freddie Mac to another department and go after people even harder.
The summer before 9/11, I started a tech support job at an educational publisher. I’m still here as a Level 4 tech because it’s a very stable, secure job. If the DoE is eliminated, I have no idea what happens to my job now or in the future, so I’m terrified. Most of the tech knowledge I had 24 years ago has been replaced with institutional knowledge that isn’t transferable. Plus, I’m 51, which is a rough age to start looking for new tech jobs.
I’m so angry with my country that we’ve come to this.
Don’t forget the cliqueiness. I’ve been the victim of the mormon cliques more than once.
I guess they’ve never heard of states’ rights…
Jesus, look at the language in those quotes. Even trump’s legal briefs felate him.
Oh, you know trump will issue an EP revoking Pride Month, and all the businesses will forget about it. It makes me sick.
This is the only correct answer.
And it’s all at the direction of The Federalist Society. Reagan signed 2/3 of their Project 1985 into law, dramatically lowering the corporate and top personal tax brackets and removing the restrictions of local and national limits on network and local affiliate TV and radio ownership. Their lackey then spent decades creating enormous propoganda networks to pump the view that the wealthy are the best of us and should never be challenged. Plus, those networks constantly pump identity politics issues to polarize the popu Ace even more.
“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Speed run the end of democracy! LFG!