Ha! I wish.
Ha! I wish.
You people still get into arguments online? Discussions, sure… but arguments? o.O
Yeah, that was a bit too much. It’s good to keep it nice but colorful language is called that for a reason, life is more beautiful with color.
If the walls could speak though…
This is a holy shitpost, I’m actually annoyed. Good job!
Turns out isolationist culture doesn’t stand the test of time. Who knew?
It’s a good start. It’s where everyone starts I think. Even trans people themselves first need to do a lot of soul searching and/or therapy in order to understand what they feel and why. It’s even harder for people on the outside to comprehend.
I see literally nothing wrong with this parents response; wanting your child to check all the boxes before making a life changing decision is good parenting.
One could always nitpick tone, but perfection is the enemy of good enough.
Ah cool hang on, just let me get some snacks and a drink before we get in to it.