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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • As someone on their second foldable, fold 3 now fold 6, the crease is truly, I promise you, a non issue. Unless you’re doing detained drawing with the S-pen, not my use case, it has no meaningful effect on the experience. For single person consumption, you almost have to consciously try to position it in a way that’s visible when watching a video, for example.

    I’d actually miss the crease, as it gives the screen a kind of magic book-esque quality. The biggest problem with foldables in my experience is the odd aspect ratio universal to all of them, something a tri fold design may actually mitigate.

  • I agree, this is just leftover momentum.

    Reaganomics was a bullet to this nation’s brain stem. Citizens United was just the capitalists pissing on the long dead corpse for fun.

    This place is just the command center for multinational oligarchs to wage war on the rest of humanity to increase short term profit expectations.

  • If a poor American with no resources condemns our rigged, crony market capitalist economy, “they should stop complaining because they’re just bitter.”

    If a rich American with resources condemns our rigged, crony market capitalist economy, “they should stop complaining or they’re a hypocrite.”

    Our oligarchs like the casino they’ve made just fine. Either compliment their work or you’re “free” to shut the hell up and get back to making them money. Of course this will be used against Walz for being a bad capitalist. As if how hard one capitalisms(exploits others) should be celebrated.

    It just speaks to our backwards, inhuman, literally cancerous primary cultural value of greed first and only.

  • Humans play pretend we own the Earth, then get angry at each other while carving it up a little finer and finer, usually with blood or threats of blood.

    The reality is, Earth owns us. Always has. We are subject to it.

    We’ve been very, very naughty subjects.

    Earth is in the process of handling us for that.

    If you disagree with any of this, knock yourself out, the Earth doesn’t care. All the corporate and governmental attempts at ignoring/bribing/negotiating with physics for decades as they forcefeed a willfully ignorant populace microplastics has been gallows hilarious though. Should have been a better species. 🤷‍♂️

    (On the bright side, the capitalists, fascists, and greed apologists will all get what’s coming to them, and the cultures that did live in homeostasis with the Earth, who were largely killed in the name of profit and conquest, may have been exterminated, but they will not have to experience the shame of watching the world end by their own greedy hands.)

  • I mean, to be fair, his base probably came watching him do it.

    He enjoys it and it reassures the Republican base he’s their GodEmperorDaddu or whatever they’re calling him this week. The out in the open, practiced, enthusiastic hatred is what made him their guy to begin with.

    He had to hire extras to attend his rallies in 2016 until he opined about wishing Republicans could “beat the shit” out of their political enemies, that moment basically stole the entire Republican party out from under their establishment that was just about manipulating Republicans and their hatreds using dog whistles for corporate profit.

  • We were too conservative in our estimates and other accelerating factors, like loss of the reflectivity of our arctic regions, have entered the game.

    This stuff doesn’t go away on any human perceived timeframe even if we stopped entirely. Our beloved capitalists will be able protect themselves for a couple more decades beyond us peasants, but their luxury bunkers with ironically self-sustaining agricultural sections will effectively become the tombs of the families most responsible.

    We were just smart enough to make technologies that helped us today and doomed us tomorrow, and still too bone dead stupid not to stop/drastically reduce using them upon discovering the consequences of their use.
