Very miserable weather even for the uk and sales where all shit after xmas so not really suprising.
Very miserable weather even for the uk and sales where all shit after xmas so not really suprising.
Classical music is like any music, some of it is uplifting and beautiful and some doesnt do it for me, maybe you should try it though and see for yourself
I am genuinely shocked if we got something we didnt expect, that just means half our diplomats and politicians dont watch the news
We tried this every year up until 1963 and it didnt work
This sort of thing is going to create generational hate for america around the world in places that are former allies, even assuming the retards ever leave office
This was a terrible article, has it actually made a difference?
No he knows just a little how ukrainian parents feel every day
Ahh wondered why euronews had become so shit
French stepped in already, officially, my solid guess is my government has their back as well
Wonder where theyll pop up next