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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Fun fact: even “regular style” crutches are not actually supposed to rest in your armpits! You are supposed to hold onto the arm portion and use them similarly to the above crutches. When we adjusted that for the spouse, we had to shorten the crutches by like 2-3 inches and he said it was WAY more comfortable.

    There are some videos on YouTube by physiotherapists etc that were supremely helpful - recommend giving them a quick watch and readjusting your crutches.

    Source: spouse recently broke the hell out of his foot and also Had Shit To Do™.

  • Mind you these are companies making billions a year in profits, while reddit reported a loss of 91 million in 2023

    So Reddit made a respectable profit in 2023 of 102 million, but Spez felt he was worth twice the entire margin and 2-4 times what even established tech CEOs typically make. If he was happy with the paltry CEO pay that poor companies like Microsoft offer /s, Reddit would have posted ~ 50 mil in profit?

    Listen, I’m not a financial expert, but how is that not some form of fraud?? My company posted a MUCH smaller loss (in one region!) than that and we had auditors crawling through our assholes looking for the why. Every transaction was looked at, every expense had to be justified, people lost their jobs, one is under federal investigation!!, and key leadership got busted back down to frycook - and rightfully so.

    You’re telling me the board (or ownership??) hired someone at arguably quadruple market rates and double their expected yearly margin to make them profitable and then posted basically a 9 figure loss that could be entirely contained in that one transaction…and that somehow isn’t some sort of Trump-NY-Esque business valuation defrauding of their existing investors/tax fraud?

    “Oops we made zero money for you guys last year because we actually made sure to pay all of it and more to this one guy, more money pls” right before an IPO?

  • I’m literally saying this as a visa holder / residence permit holder in my country of residence right now. When it was issued me, it was made very clear that my status in the country was a privilege that could be revoked at any time for a myriad of reasons. Now, “repeated wars of aggression by your home country with the specific excuse of controlling territory occupied by you” wasn’t EXPLICITLY listed, but I’d be shocked to retain my status in those circumstances.

    I’m not their citizen - as of yet I haven’t started attempting to be one. Describing myself even as “from” here would be misleading. "Once a _____ always a ______” doesn’t even apply - I’ve never tried to be anything BUT a ______??

    If article was “Lithuania strips citizenship and rights from Russian born naturalized residents” I’d be concerned. Instead, article is “Lithuania deports small fraction of its Russian and Belarusian expats identified as active threat during wartime”. Which is actually surprisingly restrained.