Hey, just a quick tip, when posting videos on Lemmy, it’s generally good to include the video length and the channel in the title, and then include a short summary in the post description. You are certainly not required to do any of this, but videos tend to get better responses here when people include those details.
yes, using a smaller platform means forgoing some of the conveniences you are used to on a larger platform. but we all make do because we’re here for the community, not the features.
Hey, just a quick tip, when posting videos on Lemmy, it’s generally good to include the video length and the channel in the title, and then include a short summary in the post description. You are certainly not required to do any of this, but videos tend to get better responses here when people include those details.
I agree that that’s useful information. I wonder though, if it is that useful, if Lemmy or the Lemmy app does that automatically?
If Lemmy had YouTube embedding, like a certain other platform it’s trying to emulate, this wouldn’t be a problem.
As it stands, it can’t even extract the thumbnail properly. (I have to do that myself.)
yes, using a smaller platform means forgoing some of the conveniences you are used to on a larger platform. but we all make do because we’re here for the community, not the features.