My eyesight is getting shot by looking at a monitor for so many hours, both at work and off work, so Doc said to switch to analogue - if I have to read something, let it be books.

I’m into pretty much all genres, so if there is any book you particularly like or recommend, I’m all ears (and eyes)!

EDIT: thanks for the great suggestions, I’m checking all of them!!!

    1 year ago

    I’d recommend the Aubrey/Maturin series (Wikipedia link) by Patrick O’Brian to everyone.

    When they were first suggested to me, I was very unsure - a series of books set during the Napoleonic Wars, set mostly on ships sounded pretty dull. But when I started reading them, they swallowed me whole. They are adventurous, fascinating and very detailed but also full of heart, life and often very, very funny which was a surprise (pun intended for those who’ve read them).

    You don’t need to know anything about the Royal Navy, sailing or the time period, all will be laid out to you - it’s the same as realising you don’t need to be a medical expert to enjoy ER or House - and really, although ship-life is vividly portrayed, the cornerstone of the series of books is the unlikely friendship between Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin.

    As I read in a literary review of the series: “There are two types of people in the world: Patrick O’Brian fans, and people who haven’t read him yet.”

    The first book in the series is Master & Commander (the movie that was made about the novels with Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany took its name from this first book). I urge you to do yourself a favour and give it a try.