War sucks man, these people didn’t want to be dragged to another country to die in some snow covered field.
This makes me so angry, Russia is deploying huge amounts of foreign troops in Europe and leaders are just like “we must not escalate” bruh are you paying attention right now
Why do they line them up line that (and not rusdians)? Do they have to return them?
Fucking gruesome BTW.
Slava Ukraine!
Some Ukrainians have suggested that the North Koreans are counting and identifying all their fallen soldiers to make sure that nobody surrendered. Not sure how credible it is though.
To be honest I’d expect most militaries would want to identify their casualties
True, the Russians seem to be the exception to the rule in this conflict.
Sounding like two birds one stone… lets funnel more cash to Ukraine and remove Russia’s and North Korean armies in one swoop…
How the hell are they north Korean? You can’t even identify it from the photo? I see so much about the so called north Koreans in Ukraine but did not even see one credible photo that was not disproven to be just a guy from Mongolian regions of Russia. This is very absurd. Just a bunch of bodies lined up in snow and they somehow are north korean
Lemmy.ml blah blah blah
A promise from 382 OBMP 810 OGVBRMP to everyone who doubted the joint work of our guys with foreign colleagues! We work in a well-known area of a well-known region
Foreign colleagues does not mean anything. It might as well be people from Mongolia or surrounding to Russia republics.
foreign /fôr′ĭn, fŏr′-/
- Located away from one’s native country. “on business in a foreign city.”
- Of, characteristic of, or from a place or country other than the one being considered. “a foreign custom.”
- Conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic. “foreign trade.”
Don’t be disingenuous , even in native Russian it has distinction of worth:
…explanation of the concept [near abroad] in Russian: " ‘The term originally had an ironic nuance,’ said the historian Ivan Ivanovich. ‘People spoke of nastoyashchyeye za rubezhye, “the present-day abroad.” But now the words have acquired a purely informational meaning, in order to distinguish the new states of the C.I.S. [ Commonwealth of Independent States, a title now in the dustbin of history ] from the “original” abroad.’ “