He might be right. Maybe the russians should leave Ukraine the fuck in peace to avoid that
If only there was no threat of nuclear ring-fencing by a transnational nuclear-armed military with zero democratic accountability whose founding generals were from the Third Reich
They’ve been saying since the first day that they’re willing to negotiate for peace. A poll released by Gallup says a majority of Ukrainians want the peace talks too.
So why are they not happening? Oh, right, we forgot to ask the real government behind this war, the US.
I think they probably will some time in 2025 🤞
Leave to finish their ethnic cleansing and military buildup and violent coups to murder anyone who wants to be friendlier with your country after winning a fair election. 🤡 You know, peace (American).
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Long as he understands that Putin and Russia are the prime aggressors and will be treated as such by the western world and possibly some others. Kinda like the 2nd war where Germany had Italy and Japan aligned with them, Russia will likely have NK and Iran with them.
The western world lmao. Yes, we know the western world treats defenders as aggressors, that’s why you thieving fucks still live off reparations from the people you enslaved for the crime of kicking you off.
Luckily, as long as nukes don’t fly (which is a big ask of you nazi ass ghouls) the west has neither the industry, nor the weaponry to deal with Russia and Iran, let alone China. Certainly not the bodies, since you make up less than 15% of the world population. War wasn’t necessary, the world can see that the US is on the way out and China/BRICS is on the way up, but you murderous gringos can’t let go of a bone without bringing the CIA into it.
Hope to see you in the front lines and not at the couch, chicken hawk.
Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Vitriolic lies and misassumptionsShow us the lies, reporter, because I’m not seeing them.
Long as he understands that Putin and Russia are the prime aggressors
O RLY? Did history begin in February of 2022? https://lemmy.ml/post/22553506/15008047
and will be treated as such by the western world and possibly some others.
Only the imperial core (A.K.A. ”the western world“), and perhaps a few of its proxies, which is what Ukraine itself is.
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Please note that this view does not reflect the reality of the situation.
No it doesn’t, so why not write the reality instead?
It’s a bot, likely ChatGPT instructed to say shit and correcting itself
Pootins peace involves him being ruler by conquest. He wants something he will do anything to get it. That is not s sign of a peaceful sovereign
If it does, I hope Americans get what they want.
Everywhere I see, blue or red they’re frothing at the mouth about more war, more bombs, more weapons, more sanctions, more more more.
Don’t ship your children and grandchildren off, time to put on your big boy boots and die for ExxonMobil and Raytheon. Enough of demanding that others die for America, let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.
timmy said that if they don’t let him stay up till 8:30pm then there will literally be world war 3. Why is no one taking timmy seriously!!!