Hadnā€™t realized how reliant upon Reddit Iā€™d become for news and interesting things until after it turned to shit and I quit it. Iā€™ve rediscovered RSS for ex., using reader apps to scan sources directly and read without all the noiseā€”that actually came from someoneā€™s recommendation here in the comments. Iā€™ve found several new sites with deep, knowledgeable articles and discussions, like https://theconversation.com/us (free! No ads! Also discovered through the comments here), and my engagement with articles and their sources has gone WAY up. Iā€™ve stopped reading garbage comment sections, too, and Iā€™m just feeling better mentally as a result, disengaging from the endless, low effort memes/jokes and the mean, toxic comments*. Anyone else?

(Thanks again, adminsā€”really enjoying and appreciating how Beehaw is run!)