Washington, D.C. – Bill Nye The Climate Guy continued barnstorming the country to make the case that climate is on the ballot, joining Crooked Media’s “Lovett or Leave It” and “What A Day” podcasts to preview his latest video as part of the “Too Hot Not to Vote” campaign with Climate Power. In his video, Bill addresses “Millennials, Gen Zsters, Gen Ysters, and, really, kids of all ages” to encourage them to vote, adding, “if you’re on the fence, get off it” because “on one side is a bright green future for all humankind” while “the other side will lead us to an oily, dry death.”
It’s been 4 years since Trump left office, 8 years since he took office. And people don’t pay as much attention as we do. They legitimately don’t remember how bad his presidency was.
The single most destructive thing he did was pack the courts with radicals (largely thanks to McConnell blocking Obama’s last two years). And nobody even talks about that, nor would a centrist care about the judicial system.
However I have heard these people criticize him for one thing, no climate agenda.
Not so much on the fence between Harris and Trump, but on the bench, because apparently a significant demographic in my state is apparently not all that important to winning the swing state, and have been being iced out since before Harris was on the top of the ticket. Perhaps it is a failing of character to be unable to look past the continuing apologetics and support for a genocide and the emphasis on courting the “good” Republicans over the Progressives, but I can’t just set that aside and pour my energy into cheerleading the presidential race. I don’t have an option that I want, I have a choice between the status quo (which we know is leading us into bad places) and actively making things worse.
Why does anyone believe anyone is on the fence right now?
There are people who had made up their minds months ago, or longer, and cowards.
It’s been 4 years since Trump left office, 8 years since he took office. And people don’t pay as much attention as we do. They legitimately don’t remember how bad his presidency was.
The single most destructive thing he did was pack the courts with radicals (largely thanks to McConnell blocking Obama’s last two years). And nobody even talks about that, nor would a centrist care about the judicial system.
However I have heard these people criticize him for one thing, no climate agenda.
Cowards is right. The differences are clear so people that don’t vote are simply afraid of making a choice that will affect future generations.
If the vote is between democracy and authoritarianism, and you choose not to vote, you’ve chosen authoritarianism. I will die on that hill.
And people who don’t pay attention
Not so much on the fence between Harris and Trump, but on the bench, because apparently a significant demographic in my state is apparently not all that important to winning the swing state, and have been being iced out since before Harris was on the top of the ticket. Perhaps it is a failing of character to be unable to look past the continuing apologetics and support for a genocide and the emphasis on courting the “good” Republicans over the Progressives, but I can’t just set that aside and pour my energy into cheerleading the presidential race. I don’t have an option that I want, I have a choice between the status quo (which we know is leading us into bad places) and actively making things worse.