• TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    Fair point. I did misread ‘one on one’ to mean Democrat vs Republican with ‘stepping back’ to mean viewing Third Parties.

    I totally agree with your reasoning, as it was my reasoning. The guy is old, not a debate. He’s a gaffe machine, too. Some people pushed the meme he was losing a step, but while I saw him as old, I didn’t see him as washed up or senile. The guy just doesn’t know how to NOT put his foot in his mouth (I share a lot in common with him on that regard!!!), and there were an awful lot of bad-faith actors saying that he wasn’t just old, but senile as well. They’re still around, saying he’s too old and senile to run the show now, and he should resign.

    I think how Harris is being treated by various people on and offline should be a key indicator that Biden’s resignation wasn’t the end of the bullshit factories. They each have their own desires for their choice of President, and they can’t even agree with each other who that choice is. Some will scream for Sanders. Others will scream for Stein. Some particularly pigeon-holed ones will argue for Fruit, despite her being mathematically eliminated from 270 before the first vote is cast. And lets get real. There are all to many of them who will tell you “IMMA FOR JILL” or some other tiny Third Party candidate while actually wanting Trump. Some think that a Trump presidency will lead them to the Progressive Promised Land. Others…are here to ensure we’re so busy infighting that we can’t put a unified resistance up, so they can get the Handmaiden’s Tale they desparately want.

    If Biden gave up because America is dumb, I don’t blame him. In 2016, I tried hard to get out and get to Canada or New Zealand. But now Canada and New Zealand are overrun or about to be overrun by dumb people too. :|