“With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.”

  • buddascrayon@lemmy.world
    8 hours ago

    Okay Mr better party choice. Here’s a scenario: You and your friends vote for Jill Stein over Kamala Harris. Now, Kamala Harris has something of a chance to get a ceasefire out of Israel and stop the killing she has stated that that is her goal. But she doesn’t get elected because you deluded morons voted for Jill Stein. No, Donald Trump gets elected instead and he pumps the gas on the genocide in Gaza as he has stated several times that he will do. He pours every military asset we have into Israel and gives them carte blanche to wipe out everyone in Gaza. And then on top of that he pulls all of our aid out of Ukraine and Russia steamrolls over the ukrainians wiping them out.

    Now who supports genocide you fucking twit?

    • ZMoney@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      The other thing I don’t understand is all the anger and vitriol from you guys. Everyone who lives in the US and contributes tax dollars to the federal government supports genocide. The US has been supporting Israel unconditionally for decades. Do you really think Kamala Harris is sincere about stopping this, given how Biden’s administration has handled the situation? Or any other Democrat or Republican since Carter?

      • drunkpostdisaster@lemmy.world
        1 hour ago

        They do more then what Trump does. Regardless by letting Tump win you are saying you are okay with the genocides going on in Ukraine. At least more might survive under Harris. Under Trump they will die too. And you will be every bit as guilty as anyone who voted for trump because you could not get over your ego and do the littlest fucking thing for your beliefs.

        Does anyone in the green party even have experience on the federal level?

        • ZMoney@lemmy.world
          38 minutes ago

          Again, not understanding where the anger is coming from. I’m not even supporting a specific candidate. I’m pointing out that 3d parties that take a stand against US imperialism will always have support, because neither major party can be trusted in this regard. And again, for some people, this is a line they won’t cross. I’ll stop now because clearly this is unproductive.