Donald Trump made clear on the PhiladelphiaĀ debateĀ stage this week, as he has throughout his three presidential campaigns, the basis of his run for office. Trump is running on the platform that non-white immigration is an existential threat to the nation. This time around, Trump has madeĀ his primary message, the so-calledĀ Great Replacement Theory (GRT), more vivid than ever. It is therefore of existential importance in understanding the stakes of this election to have clearly in mind what has happened in the past when GRT has been the central driving narrative both of individuals and of states.

According to the Great Replacement Theory, the nationā€™s greatness, its traditions and its practitioners, are existentially imperiled by an influx of foreign races, ethnicities or religions. The foreign elements are sometimes described in the narrative of GRT, asĀ verminĀ or diseases.

GRT was central to the official Nazi motivation for the genocide of the Jews of Europe. Hitler blamed the loss of World War I on Jewish betrayal of Germany. But this betrayal, for Hitler, was intimately connected to the Great Replacement Theory, via the introduction of Black soldiers in the French army subsequently occupying the Rhineland, the so-calledĀ ā€œBlack Horror on the Rhine.ā€Ā In Mein Kampf, Hitler writes:

    3 days ago

    Except no one is being ā€œreplacedā€. Weā€™re all still here. And if Iā€™m giving you the benefit of the doubt youā€™re merely forgetting all that goes with GRT. The supposed intentionality, the inherent value judgment, the conspiracies, the implication that itā€™s somehow a ā€œproblemā€ā€¦ the less charitable interpretation is that youā€™re intentionally glossing over it and pretending naivety.