How do you use BiglyBT to discover I2P torrents from different trackers? I tend to just go to postman.i2p and discover torrents there, but I want a way to discover torrents using BiglyBT and I2P. I know that BiglyBT has DHT capabilities, does that work over the I2P network to discover torrents (Perhaps through Swarm Discovery?)

Any seasoned captains out there?

    30 days ago

    Hmm, so looks like around 100kB/s. That’s about what I remember (100kB/s - 300kB/s).

    I’ve recently been trying out Tribler, and it’s much faster than the last time I tried it (I’ve seen 2MB/s on popular torrents, but around 500kB/s on less popular). Not sure if there are simply more exit nodes with more bandwidth now or if there are more people on the Tribler network seeding.