With the Trove being long dead, and the last torrent not really being updated anymore, I was wondering what alternatives are out there.
There are a few DM’s Guild books I am trying to find and they just are not out there.
Not sure if what you are looking for is in here.
https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/rpg.rem.uz/Dungeons %26 Dragons/
Soulseek is typically for music but I’ve found D&D pdfs there too.
This is from the community on Reddit. You should be able to grab the torrent file for whichever 5e book you want from there. I would also recommend 5e . tools like the other commenters, even as just a separate reference; as a DM I’ve found it way easier to pull things up quickly, even if I legally own the book that has whatever spell/mob I’m looking for haha.