• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    He can ask for her recusal, and file an appeal when she inevitably refuses

    Yeah, because when that doesn’t work, and it won’t, there’s no way both she and the violent Trump cult retaliate against him for trying 🙄

    He hasn’t even tried that, and at this point, the valid reasons why have all vanished

    Yeah, because an already belligerent judge becoming openly hostile helps his case and he isn’t getting enough death threats already 🙄

    There’s no chance this case is going to trial before the election

    And thus no chance it ever happens unless Trump loses again and the inevitable second coup attempt isn’t successful.

    She’s already as hostile as she can be towards the prosecution

    Wanna bet? A thousand bucks says she’s still trying (unsuccesfully) to appear impartial and will become much worse in reaction to him stating the obvious facts to the contrary.

    And she’s holding hearings regarding having him removed from the case

    Does that sound to you like the action of a well-adjusted person who won’t react to valid criticism by abusing the power she has over him and the case?

    He literally has nothing to lose

    Except for one of the most important and on paper strongest court cases in the history of the country. Just tiny things like that.

    What the fuck is he waiting for?

    For people more powerful than him to protect the case from the inevitable fallout of an attempt doomed to failure.

    Tl;Dr: you’re right about what SHOULD be, but wrong about what IS on all points.

    • Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Yeah, because when that doesn’t work, and it won’t, there’s no way both she and the violent Trump cult retaliate against him for trying 🙄

      And what at this point could they possibly do that they’re not doing already?

      Yeah, because an already belligerent judge becoming openly hostile helps his case and he isn’t getting enough death threats already 🙄

      She has scolded the prosecution publicly every step of the way. She bends over backwards to rule in Trump’s favor. She’s already said she was going to delay ruling on some motions until after the trial starts, putting the case at high risk of double jeopardy. She has long since passed being “openly hostile” and is neck deep in “intentional sabotage”. How much more hostile could she possibly get without calling for his assassination in the town square?

      There’s no chance this case is going to trial before the election

      And thus no chance it ever happens unless Trump loses again and the inevitable second coup attempt isn’t successful.

      Which could at least possibly have been avoided if Smith had filed a motion to recuse when it became obvious the fix was in.

      She’s already as hostile as she can be towards the prosecution

      Wanna bet? A thousand bucks says she’s still trying (unsuccesfully) to appear impartial and will become much worse in reaction to him stating the obvious facts to the contrary.

      So she’ll bend over backwards to rule in Trump’s favor, ignore the obvious fact-based arguments brought up by the prosecution, give them a tongue lashing at literally every hearing for the most trivial of matters, rule against the prosecution at every turn, then give the jury instructions that would basically guarantee an acquittal.

      How is that different than what she’s doing now?

      And she’s holding hearings regarding having him removed from the case

      Does that sound to you like the action of a well-adjusted person who won’t react to valid criticism by abusing the power she has over him and the case?

      Which means his options are to (a) take it on the chin and virtually guarantee that Trump walks because the fix was in all along and she dismissed the case first chance she got once double jeopardy attached, or (b) Motion for her recusal and have at least a chance of having it reassigned to an impartial judge.

      He literally has nothing to lose

      Except for one of the most important and on paper strongest court cases in the history of the country. Just tiny things like that.

      Which is 100% guaranteed with Cannon in charge. Smith has no chance of winning already as long as she’s on the bench.