A conservative plan forĀ Donald Trumpā€™sĀ potential transition into the presidency calls for dozens of prisoners to be executed, according to HuffPost. An 887-page plan by Project 2025, led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, says that if elected, Trump should make a concerted effort to execute the remaining 40 prisoners on death row. The sectionā€™s author, attorney Gene Hamilton, advised that Trump ā€œdo everything possible to obtain finalityā€ on the current list of people until Congress forces them to stop. Hamilton is the vice president ofĀ America Legal First, a group of former Trump lawyers bent on attacking ā€œwokeā€ companies, headed by Stephen Miller. Trumpā€™s approach to theĀ death penaltyĀ stands in stark contrast to that of PresidentĀ Joe Biden, who has openly opposed theĀ death penalty, but doneĀ littleĀ to move forward legislation to reform or abolish the practice since entering office.

For those of you not in the know Project 2025 is Republicans plan to turn the USA into an authoritarian state.

  • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    This is why itā€™s especially irritating when the bothsiderists go on with the #BidenSoOld stuff, or the tankies go on with the #GenocideJoe thing, or the handwringing over whether journalists should side with democracy and so on.

    This stuff is right out in the open. Do bothsiderists, tankies or journalists think theyā€™ll be safe under this kind of thing?

    • Dojan@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Yeah I definitely get that. I also get why people donā€™t like Biden. He really oughtnā€™t be president, neither of them ought be candidates, but when the option is between him and Trump, going with Biden is a no-brainer. Trump is literally working to dismantle democracy. He doesnā€™t want people to have a choice, and the choice that you Americans face is laughable as it is.