• Paragone@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It will transform:

    The house-of-cards “economy” cannot continue “functioning” forever…

    WHEN it collapses, it’ll gut the Dems.

    IF it happens early-enough before the 2024-election,

    THEN the Republicans win 2024, on the backlash vote.

    It will be the Sycophants of Trump, only, then.

    I don’t consider it probable that the house-of-cards will continue pretending to be “whole”/functional past August, at the latest.

    China was able to suspend trading on The Evergrande Group for 17 months, which I hadn’t forseen, but eventually it returned to trading, & lost … was it 99% of its value, in a few hours?

    Citadel+BCG have a very profitable naked-shorting-and-“strategic-management-consulting” racket going, which they used to destroy Sears, to the best of my knowledge, & some 25-ish other major-corporations…

    You can see in “The Reverse Cramer Index” that mainstream-media’s systematically pushing the masses to be suckers used/economically-obliterated for the profit of the few ( Cramer’s a msm pusher, doing the exact opposite of what he’s recommending is systematically profitable.

    That should result in criminal ( possibly racketeering ) charges against whomever Cramer’s behind-the-scenes pushers are, but … not in this world … not ever, in this world, would evidence-of-market-manipulation-on-such-scale be forced to be accountable )

    Anyways, I expect, and could be wrong, that economic-collapse will happen before the 2024-election, and that backlash will gut the leverage of the left, and that US Civil War Part2 will begin within 3-ish years of the Republicans making Trump, whether legal to be so or not, president, and Trump will get to be GEOTUS, dictator of the US, presiding over its conversion-into-carrion.

    No-one believes that extreme difference-from-their-belief-nature could be, until it’s too late.

    That is why so many go along with murderers who get them to a “secondary crime scene”: they’re assuming they’ll be able to socialize/schmooze their way out, then…

    but the secondary-crime-scene is the least survivable place in the world.

    The US’s population is about to be relocated to their own secondary-crime-scene, due to their own naiveness, and the consequences will be exactly-typical of such situations.

    Simply sit back & watch it unfold:

    it’s happening at world-geopolitics pace, not at individual-this-week pace, so it takes awhile.

    No point in claiming that 2024-election’s won by either side, until the actual-votes are in, is there?

    I bet the Trumpites win, and have been betting so since Covid began, as humankind’s unconscious wants its planet-destroying TANTRUM, and Trump is simply a means of humankind’s unconscious to enact-history/“mythological-significance”.

    There is a book “Games People Play”, and another “Scripts People Live”, which both identify unconscious mechanisms that we enact, unwittingly letting scripts live our lives for us … this is similar, but is at the whole-species scale.

    Read those 2 books, then try seeing the whole-planet-scale, & see how such-mechanisms are also existing at the vast scale.

    My bet is, unfortunately, likely to win.