Actors not sweeping correctly when somebody broke a glass or somebody’s ashes were spilled on the floor or something like that is infuriating hahha.

They’re always having some serious conversation with heavy relationship complications, but whoever has the broom is literally tapping at the mess on the floor because they know that the production crew is going to clean it up for them after the shoot, so they, the ac-tors, don’t have to actually sweep the mess into the dustbin.

I f****** hate that.

    6 months ago

    No one closes doors!
    Empty luggage.
    People go on vacation / move away with 1 tiny suitcase which magically has a warehouse of clothing in it.
    The “dumb” character. Why is there at least 1 dumb person (who everyone rips on and bullies) in a series or movie. So stupid.
    Hand guns with unlimited ammunition in them.
    People hiding behind tables, normal walls from gunfire. 1 shot and you are dead.
    Movies that are 90% explosions and 4% plot.