Hey everyone, the content vote ended and here are the results of what people voted for

Reminder that voting was single transferable vote. If two options were tied the one with a worse average placement in all votes was eliminated

(if someone didnt give a second choice then no other options get their vote)

Crosspost community was eliminated first with no first place votes, then main community (second place votes represented in dark blue), then general community (second place votes represented in light blue)

The overall most voted option was Option 2: People catching community. This means that for the community all content relating to the instance is allowed but people will be directed towards more specific communities relevant to their post in the replies. This should then let people be able to post here with no friction and then get filtered down into the proper communities to help make them more active

As there was significantly less votes than the amount of subscribers in the community I will be running a follow up poll in a week to see if people like how the community is being run or if we need to do another poll to change the instance content again.

Linker Bot

Ive been making a bot for the instance called Linker that posts links to communities in the replies when someone posts a non relative instance link. That feature got implemented into lemmy itself in v18 (it will give autocomplete options when you start typing !insertcommunitynamehere on web) so ill be adapting the bot to fit this community to help with the people catching. The bot api is a bit broken right now so it unfortunately wont be able to work for a bit but until then it would be a huge help if you guys do links to mentioned communities in the comments (it only has to be done once so it doesnt spam the replies)

The format im using for bot messages is something similar to

Hey! Here are some possibly relevant communities in the instance based on what was mentioned

- Link to community 1
- etc for any other communities

I am a bot and this message was created automatically

Feel free to adapt that or make your own

Community Request

Just wanted to do a quick advertisement for the community request community here in the instance at !community_request@programming.dev . The community is always open to suggest communities to be added to the instance and make sure to upvote ideas there you want added to show the interest in them. Since the discussion community option didnt win if you feel the discussion posts are getting buried by the other content you can suggest a new community for that (or for whatever topic the discussion is about if its general enough)


If anyone is interested in helping mod the community feel free to reach out to me. Ideally want at least one other person to moderate this community so I can stop moderating and focus on some more admin tasks around the instance including developing some new features for it