Maryland House Democrats introduced a controversial gun safety bill requiring gun owners to forfeit their ability to wear or carry without firearm liability insurance.

Introduced by Del. Terri Hill, D-Howard County, the legislation would prohibit the “wear or carry” of a gun anywhere in the state unless the individual has obtained a liability insurance policy of at least $300,000.

"A person may not wear or carry a firearm unless the person has obtained and it covered by liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in the State under the Insurance Article to cover claims for property damage, bodily injury, or death arising from an accident resulting from the person’s use or storage of a firearm or up to $300,000 for damages arising from the same incident, in addition to interest and costs,” the proposed Maryland legislation reads.

      9 months ago

      Well when all the classes are only offered during the week (or charge more for weekend classes), taking two days off work and spending a whole paycheck just on a permit is rather difficult.

      9 months ago

      Sir, that is unlicensed speech. You’ll need to take 16 hours of a $400 class and pay a $200 fee for a license to speak that way.

        9 months ago

        It should be a required safety test like with driver’s licenses, a reasonable compromise that you can also add immediate failure states to and doesn’t add an undue time and cost burden to people who aren’t dumbasses, unlike a class.

        Get a child safety question wrong?


        Say you have the right to shoot a fleeing burglar in the back?

        Also fail.

          9 months ago

          you don’t have the right to shoot a burglar in the front. loss of property isn’t an excusable reason to shoot someone. fear of bodily harm or death for you or someone else is.

            9 months ago

            loss of property isn’t an excusable reason to shoot someone.

            Varies greatly depending on what state you live in. Texas, being the worst state for almost everything, doesn’t even require it to be your property. You can, in fact, defend your neighbors property with deadly force. You can also shoot them in the back if it’s nighttime.

            9 months ago

            Jeez, it sure would be awkward for your argument if a home invasion carried an inherent threat, which is why most robberies occur when no one is home to be threatened.

              9 months ago

              jeez it sure would be awkward if your argument made any sense. let me put it in caps for you. INHERENT THREAT.

        9 months ago

        But after that you can use that speech to kill a room full of children or a fleeing partner right?

        I’m just going to come out and say it: Fuck your gun “rights”. I absolutely support it being taken away from you. It’s just as immoral as the right to own slaves was.

        You’re hiding behind the word “right” because you know the only way to defend permissive gun laws is pretending that domestic abusers having poorly secured AR-15s is up there with “bodily autonomy” or “freedom of beliefs”.

        Would you be playing your little “only bad guys take away rights” games if people had the “right” to help themselves to your daughters body? To kill you on a whim because of your skin color?

        After all, anything you call a “right” is inherently good and ethical and to be preserved at all costs.

          9 months ago

          But after that you can use that speech to kill a room full of children or a fleeing partner right?

          Oh shit they made school shootings legal if you have a permit? Missed that update.

          right" to help themselves to your daughters body? To kill you on a whim because of your skin color?

          Your rights end where another’s begin, you are not entitled to another’s body or life, you are however entitled to the tools with which to defend yourself if someone does try to violate your rights to your body or life. In your scenario, or should I say “currently,” I actually have the right to shoot the rapist or racist murderer.

            9 months ago

            Oh shit they made school shootings legal if you have a permit? Missed that update

            They may as well given the disgustingly low bar you set for gun owners.

            The laws the pro-gun community holds up as ideal couldn’t prevent the sale of a gun to a teenager with the nickname “school shooter” and a history of animal abuse, death and rape threats, days before he did a school shooting.

            If you’re going to staunchly oppose gun control, why not just come out and say that you support selling semi-automatic weapons to far-right extremists, deeply disturbed men in the throes of psychosis, people who hit their partners and people who can’t secure their firearms from children?

            Your rights end where another’s begin, you are not entitled to another’s body or life

            I think you mean that other people’s rights end where yours begin.

            After all, you have no problem bankrolling the gun-lobby who in turn fund the Republicans that openly campaign on a platform of taking away the rights of women and minorities.

            Does a child have a right to safety and education? Only at the discretion of whatever insane fuckstick you’ve armed today because your guns are more important that someone else’s children.

            I actually have the right to shoot the rapist or racist murderer.

            And those rapists and murderers have the right to own guns because you insisted on it. Should we look at their statistics to see how that works out for everyone?

            Oh what a shocking plot twist, it works out great for your as you sit there delivering on fuck all of your promises and it works out great for the rapists and racists.

            Your right come at the expense of others and you’re not even good at hiding it.

              9 months ago

              They may as well given the disgustingly low bar you set for gun owners.

              The laws the pro-gun community holds up as ideal couldn’t prevent the sale of a gun to a teenager with the nickname “school shooter” and a history of animal abuse, death and rape threats, days before he did a school shooting.

              Translation: “I don’t know a damn thing about how to buy a gun in the US and I’m probably british.

              I think you mean that other people’s rights end where yours begin.

              If you’re having difficulty parsing the statement it means that you don’t have the right to deprive another of their rights. I know it can be confusing for people like you who don’t like rights, so I understand.

              After all, you have no problem bankrolling the gun-lobby

              Well find me a gun company that …isn’t a gun company? I guess? What are your standards here lmao? Gotta buy them from the people who sell em, you ever buy weed in the US pre-'10? If yes, you feel bad about supporting the Sinaloa Cartel Lobby? Know what? I blame you, they wouldn’t have to lobby if people weren’t always trying to ban them.

              Does a child have a right to safety and education?


              Only at the discretion of whatever insane fuckstick you’ve armed today because your guns are more important that someone else’s children.

              Oh shit they made school shootings legal if you have a permit? Missed that update

              And those rapists and murderers have the right to own guns because you insisted on it.

              Well, not if they are a prohibited purchaser. And I’d rather their victims be able to have them too than just get raped and murdered at knifepoint instead. “You can run from knife,” ahh shaddup you better be fast then with that ableist take, and don’t try to pretend you weren’t about to type that shit either y’all are too predictable.

              Should we look at their statistics to see how that works out for everyone?

              Yes. According to John Lott, Gary Kleck, and the CDC, the estimate for defensive gun use in the 90s was somewhere between 500,000 and 3,000,000 times per year. The study in question was survey based, and included “defensive display,” which is a defense in which simply making the attacker aware of the presence of a firearm is enough to scare them off. Due to this, and the wide gap between the high/low end, the veracity of this study has been debated. However, according to a recent Harvard study done to discredit that “myth of the good guy with a gun,” they say a “more realistic estimate” of defensive gun use which does NOT include defensive display and is based solely off verifiable police reports is 100,000 per year.

              Well, that takes care of the DGU, what about the deaths? Surely more than 100k/yr! Let’s see here, our murder rate yearly according to the FBI is about 15,000/yr.… Hol’ up, 15,000 homicides/yr? Shit, that is MUCH less than 100,000 dgu/yr. Well alright alright I know what’ll get those self defenders! The total gun death rate including homicides, suicides, and accidents! Surely there’s 1,000,000/yr! In 2021, there were a total of 48,830 firearm deaths. Hmm well shit. Turns out that doesn’t do it either, since 48,830<100,000. Damn, I guess guns are used in defense more than deaths. Who’da thunk it?

              Oh what a shocking plot twist, it works out great for your as you sit there delivering on fuck all of your promises and it works out great for the rapists and racists.

              I’ll twist your twister with the 100,000 people it DID work out great for every year, that’s 51,170 more twists! Get twisted on, go twist yourself.

              Your right come at the expense of others

              Your Mama comes at the expense of others, and it isn’t even that expensive.

                9 months ago

                Translation: “I don’t know a damn thing about how to buy a gun in the US and I’m probably british.

                Oh no! Does the poor little soldier of the resistance need to fill out a form? Do they have to wait a few days? Maybe the poor little snowflakes have to arrange a private sale to dodge a background check?

                But sure, we can play this game. Name a state whose gun laws you fully support and we’ll go through them together.

                If you’re having difficulty parsing the statement it means that you don’t have the right to deprive another of their rights

                I’m sure that would have been a sick burn if it didn’t rely on misunderstanding non-literal language.

                Well find me a gun company that …isn’t a gun company?

                Are your donations to the Republican party still tax deductable after they’ve been filtered through a proxy?

                Oh shit they made school shootings legal if you have a permit?

                Nope, just the best in class tools you need to do one, no matter how many red flags you wave around, all thanks to the pro-gun community.

                But don’t worry, they make up for it by intervening in almost 3% of mass shooters. That’s almost as many as unarmed civilians!

                Of course over 80% of those mass shooters are legal gun owners, with most of the remaining 20% being children of “responsible gun owners”.

                Well, not if they are a prohibited purchaser.

                Unless their state doesn’t have universal background checks – a system the pro-gun community opposes. Then they’ve just got to organise a private sale and complete the transaction without saying “By the way I’m a rapist”.

                But it’s not like it’s a barrier anyway. Making guns trivial to purchase also makes it trivial to straw purchase guns too.

                Yet we’re still haven’t covered all the ways the pro-gun community arms murderers and rapists because guess where stolen weapons come from?

                That’s right, legal gun owners again! The ones with zero obligation to properly secure their firearms, who leave them sitting in gloveboxes and drawers in case they need to murder a minority real quick.

                And I’d rather their victims be able to have them too than just get raped and murdered at knifepoint instead.

                Oh how kind of you to decide what weapons people should be threatened with while they’re raped.

                But aren’t you forgetting something? Those victims can just carry knives too and everything is fair and just again right? Or does your shit tier logic suddenly not apply when we’re not talking about your toys?

                “You can run from knife,” ahh shaddup you better be fast then with that ableist take, and don’t try to pretend you weren’t about to type that shit either y’all are too predictable.

                You tried so hard to dress it up as “Actually I’m a hero to people with disabilities too” but you just made it obvious that deep down, you know knive crimes have a lower lethality and a higher chance of being interrupted.

                But it’s not you being raped and murdered, so who cares right? You’ve already made it clear you think you’re doing them a favor by selling their attackers guns.

                Due to this, and the wide gap between the high/low end, the veracity of this study has been debated.

                You could have just not said anything rather than admitting that gun owners can’t be trusted to accurately self-report DGUs.

                Well, that takes care of the DGU, what about the deaths?

                Oh honey, you’re not even comparing the right things. Did you really think it was going to be “DGUs is bigger than gun murders therefore I’m right”?

                You’re comparing alternative realities – and you’re not even comparing them well. For a start, where’s your number for how many offensive gun uses there are?

                For every limp dick waving a gun around claiming self defense, there could be 100 abusive partners telling their sweethearts “if you try to leave I’ll kill you”.

                But don’t worry, we can compare this reality by seeing how America – where hundreds of thousands of brave patriots use their cool guns to fend off rapists and murderers – to the rest of the world.

                And oh look, the crime rate is functionally identical, only you’re more likely to be killed during a property crime thanks to all the criminals the pro-gun crowd armed.

                Oh but those people are probably british right? They don’t count. We need to stick to AMERICAN numbers because nobody knows gunning down innocent people like AMERICA does (for some mysterious reason).

                But when gun sales go up, crime rates go down right? If guns prevent more crime than they enable, that should be clearly reflected. “Guns sold” number goes up, “number of crimes” goes down.

                Nope. No measurable difference at all with some mass shootings sprinkled on top. Just another pro-gun lie in a string of thousands.

                I’ll twist your twister with the 100,000 people it DID work out great for every year, that’s 51,170 more twists! Get twisted on, go twist yourself.

                You know people that aren’t fucked-in-the-head gun cultists don’t consider “I had to threaten or kill another person with a gun” to be “working out great” right?

                You genuinely probably don’t. I’ve seen the “get out of murder free” fantasies all over pro-gun forums. What’s yours? I’m guessing “saving a woman that’s out of your league from a Trump voter”.

                Your Mama comes at the expense of others, and it isn’t even that expensive.

                Go mom! 85, still getting hers and making bank from it too!

                Did you find her when you were looking for people willing to fuck you for money? Did you start at the great grandmothers or did everyone else turn you down?

                Just don’t do a mass shooting okay? Sexually frustrated gun owners murdering women has become such a cliche.

                  9 months ago

                  you know, I gotta say, this is the worst formatted comment that I’ve come across on this whole website, I think, and I say that as someone with a great history of writing meandering and poorly formatted comments. going line by line through someone else’s argument is extremely tedious and so is spacing out almost every single line of your argument. the thickest it ever gets is two lines at a time. christ.

                  9 months ago

                  Yes, atf form 4473 which coincides with an FBI background check to verify the info. See, you said:

                  The laws the pro-gun community holds up as ideal couldn’t prevent the sale of a gun to a teenager with the nickname “school shooter” and a history of animal abuse, death and rape threats, days before he did a school shooting.

                  Well, turns out, that if you’re under 18 or have a history of felony animal abuse, you can’t pass that! “Threats of death and rape” seems to be more of a “I don’t feel like dealing with this” scenario from the cops, fix that, not being able to protect yourself.

                  I’m sure that would have been a sick burn if it didn’t rely on misunderstanding non-literal language.

                  Oh I understood I’m just making fun of you for your not at all thought out takes.

                  Are your donations to the Republican party still tax deductable after they’ve been filtered through a proxy?

                  “The democrats don’t support gun rights at all so to buy them you typically buy them from right wingers” then start some left wing gun companies and advertise, I’d love to buy a gun from an employee owned business, problem is one would have to “exist.” You should start one.

                  Nope, just the best in class tools you need to do one, no matter how many red flags you wave around,

                  Ah so by your logic since I can rent a uhaul and fill it up with fertilizer car bombs are legal, huh? Not even a NICs check!

                  Unless their state doesn’t have universal background checks

                  Wrong again cheesedick, private sale to a prohibited purchaser is also illegal.

                  Yet we’re still haven’t covered all the ways the pro-gun community arms murderers and rapists because guess where stolen weapons come from?

                  That’s right, legal gun owners again! The ones with zero obligation to properly secure their firearms, who leave them sitting in gloveboxes and drawers in case they need to murder a minority real quick.

                  Oh word we’re back to victim blaming?

                  Oh how kind of you to decide what weapons people should be threatened with while they’re raped people should be able to defend themselves from rapists with.

                  I agree.

                  But aren’t you forgetting something? Those victims can just carry knives too and everything is fair and just again right?

                  Sure, assuming they’re stronger, faster, and/or better trained in knife fighting than the assailant, and the assailant doesn’t have a gun (legal OR illegal).

                  Well, frankly either way, they can try to knife fight the guy now stronger or not, it just may not play out well for them. Actually this (people carrying knives for defense) happens a lot, I’d wager much more than the ~25% of civilians that are CCW holders.

                  See, here’s one.

                  Or does your shit tier logic suddenly not apply when we’re not talking about your toys?

                  Toys like butterfly knives and all that silly shit? Get you a real tool, a glock. But anyway yes sorry to say that while the option is available, the physical properties of a distance tool like a firearm and a short range melee weapon are indeed different, and it will affect the outcome. You seem to have a hard time grasping “physical reality,” are you ok?

                  You tried so hard to dress it up as “Actually I’m a hero to people with disabilities too” but you just made it obvious that deep down, you know knive crimes have a lower lethality and a higher chance of being interrupted.

                  Not by anyone with a physical disability, better hope their able bodied handler is around to James Bond the knife away from the attacker.

                  But it’s not you being raped and murdered, so who cares right

                  Hey that’s my line, you’re the one trying to disarm women.

                  You could have just not said anything rather than admitting that gun owners can’t be trusted to accurately self-report DGUs.

                  Cute! You don’t know that methodology is always questioned, and you think having people doubt it automatically means it isn’t true! Guess with all the flat earthers the world isn’t actually round, and since people doubted the covid vaccines you must also be an antivaxxer.

                  and you’re not even comparing them well. For a start, where’s your number for how many offensive gun uses there are?

                  Couldn’t find it but you must have it, yes?

                  And oh look, the crime rate is functionally identical,

                  Hol’ up, you’re the one who said other countries have no crime, thanks for refuting yourself.

                  But when gun sales go up, crime rates go down right? If guns prevent more crime than they enable, that should be clearly reflected. “Guns sold” number goes up, “number of crimes” goes down.

                  Nope. No measurable difference at all

                  Hmm interesting, almost like the proliferation of arms has less to do with crime than you purport.

                  You know people that aren’t fucked-in-the-head gun cultists don’t consider “I had to threaten or kill another person with a gun” to be “working out great” right?

                  Well seeing as how firearms can only legally be used to prevent death or grievous bodily injury, the other option is “death or grievous bodily injury.” Out of the two I pick “shoot the other guy,” myself, but you’re free to accept death as you wish.

                  What’s yours?

                  Hopefully never having to use it, but if I do, my “fantasy” is making it home at the end of the day in tact and alive, if a little shook up from my experience. Seeing as firearms are only to be used to prevent death or grievous bodily injury, the other option is “that.”

                  Go mom! 85, still getting hers and making bank from it too!

                  Eehhh idk about bank

                  Did you find her when you were looking for people willing to fuck you for money?

                  Nah she offered, seemed like she really wanted that nickel and I felt bad for her. Was just gonna give it to her but she insisted, you know grandmas. Sent me out with a plate of food too, nice lady.

                  Just don’t do a mass shooting okay?

                  Duh, what’re you some kinda idiot? Although, you did mention 3 or 4 times that it’s legal now but I don’t have the permit.

                  Sexually frustrated

                  Not me

                  gun owners


                  murdering women has become such a cliche.

                  I don’t want to hear about what you and your knives do for fun.

                    9 months ago

                    Yes, atf form 4473 which coincides with an FBI background check to verify the info

                    Okay, so we’re in agreement that you think filling out a form is hard. Don’t worry though, the pro-gun community has got your back and that form isn’t needed for private sales.

                    Well, turns out, that if you’re under 18 or have a history of felony animal abuse, you can’t pass that! “Threats of death and rape” seems to be more of a “I don’t feel like dealing with this” scenario from the cops, fix that, not being able to protect yourself.

                    We’re really starting to find some common ground now with you acknowledging that the current laws and proceedures aren’t working.

                    Unfortunately, you seem confused about whose problem it is again. These are the laws you’re defending, conspicuously failing and resulting in the deaths of children.

                    If you want me to implement laws I support, I’m happy to do that, but you’re not going to like them. On the bright side, if they habitually fail and arm terrorists, abusers and criminals, then you can demand I fix the laws.

                    And I will, because my laws don’t rely on people having an acceptable amount of innocent people murdered because of proceedural mistakes or poor coverage.

                    “The democrats don’t support gun rights at all so to buy them you typically buy them from right wingers” then start some left wing gun companies and advertise, I’d love to buy a gun from an employee owned business, problem is one would have to “exist.” You should start one.

                    Can’t you offer any solutions except “you should fix this my problems for me”. Why am I supposed to work to fix your laws? Why am I supposed to run the gun company you want? Aren’t gun owners meant to be all fiercely independent? All I’m seeing here is the learned helplessness of a spoiled child.

                    Ah so by your logic since I can rent a uhaul and fill it up with fertilizer car bombs are legal, huh? Not even a NICs check!

                    You will absolutely get a visit from their FBI if you start buying the materials needed to fill a truck with explosives. Thankfully, we don’t let dumb motherfuckers write and enforce those laws.

                    Wrong again cheesedick, private sale to a prohibited purchaser is also illegal.

                    Don’t know if you’re being stupid or dishonest but it’s only illegal if you know for a fact that they’re a prohibited person.

                    Oh word we’re back to victim blaming?

                    “Back” to the point you never made? They’d have to be the victim for it to be victim blaming.

                    Remember, I’m not advocating “people should be charged with a crime when their responsibly stored firearms are stolen”, I’m advocating that people should be charged with a crime when their negligently stored firearms are accessed by a prohibited person.

                    A policy that “responsible gun owners” oppose of course. For some reason it’s important to them that being responsible is optional and being irresponsible isn’t punished.

                    It’s like having a group of people who constantly say “I would never drive if I was drunk and I don’t think anybody should” but then fiercely oppose DUI laws, despite reading daily headlines about how another of their members killed 2 people in a crash when they were drunk.

                    I agree.

                    Not going to bother engaging on that one. You already said something so self-absorbed and fucked in the head that there’s nothing I could say to make you look worse.

                    In fact, I’m just going to wrap up the comment here and not bother replying again.

                    I was looking forward to making fun of you for trying to insult my mother by saying you pay old ladies for sex but really, nobody with a mind worth changing is reading this far.

          • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
            9 months ago

            “allows you to run your mouth like a rabid retarded monkey trying to hump a door knob into submission.”

            Attacking other users with (admittedly) highly creative ableist slurs is not allowed. Keep it civil.